1828 two outer letter sheets to Mexico, endorsed “Nuova Espana”, rated ‘4’ in black and ‘6’ in red respectively, both with red straight-line CADIZ. with stop, one with slightly heavier filing crease, a fine pair.
1835 (2nd Nov) entire to Gibraltar bearing red straight-line CADIZ handstamp, manuscript “13 ½q” applied San Roque for second weight letter rate. The entire sent to Robert Anderson and co. with enclosure to be delivered to Mr Bartolome Lombardo, Captain of the Sardinian Brig “El Crocodillo” for transmission to Havana.
1855 outer letter sheet to Buenos Ayres, endorsed "Via Canarias" and "Paquete Ingles", prepaid 4 reales at Cadiz, disinfected and forwarded by the British Post Office at Teneriffe with Paid/Crown handstamp, "1/-" accountancy applied there showing share of postage due.Fine and attractive. Ex. Sacher.
1857 (Apr 16) orange-buff envelope addressed to “Secretary of Legation of the U.S., Madrid, Spain” franked with 1853-55 3c. dull red (Sc 11) in two vertical pairs (left-hand pair with touched margins at right), blue cork cancels and matching Picolata Fla date stamp, circular framed PP and red London Paid, double-ring Madrid cds, various manuscript rate markings including “2 pesetas”. The envelope is rebacked front with repaired corners, The Philatelic Foundation certificate.
1869 (22 Nov) entire to New York franked 1868-69 Isabel II 200m. green pair tied Carinena cds, red ‘PD’ , London PAID transit, ‘3’ accountancy handstamp for internal U.S. postage, arrival backstamp.
1871 (22 Mars) outer letter sheet to Madrid franked 187040c. Bordeaux tied by gros chiffres ‘359’ with Bayonne cds in association, framed PD at base, red arrival cds and black ‘spider’ cancel.
1872 entire to Nueva York, endorsed “Via de Inglaterra” franked 1870 ‘Espana’ 400m. tied rhomboid of dots, Barcelona cds alonside partly overstruck by London PAID transit, N.Y. Steamship 3 cds below for local carriage.
1874 (May 8) outer letter sheet to Buenos Aires franked 1873 ‘Peace’ 2c., 10c., 25c. and 50c. cancelled with diamond of dots (Rombo de puntas), Barcelona cds at right overstriking manuscript “Via Lisboa”; some slight fault to backflap, a fine four colour franking.
1874 (May 8) outer letter sheet to Charleston, USA franked 1873 ‘Peace’ 5c., 25c. and 50c. cancelled by diamond of dots (Rombo de puntas), dark blue oval-framed P.D. , weak Barcelona cds at right, routed through England with red London PAID cds of 12 MY partly overstruck by New York U.S. Currency/ Due 3 accountancy datestamp of May 23.
1874 entire to Buenos Aires franked 1874 ‘Justice’ 5c., 10c. and 50c. each tied by diamond of dots (Rombo de puntas), endorsed “Via Barcelona, America del Sur”, Barcelona cds at right; good condition without backstamps.
1876 (19 Julio) commercial entire to Barcelona, franked Ceres 30c. cancelled on arrival by Admon De Cambio Barcelona 010 handstamp, small undated Barcelona 2 backstamp; fine and fresh.
1877 printed company envelope to Barcelona franked 1876-77 Sage 30c cancelled on arrival with Admon De Cambio Barcelona 010 handstamp, Pothion guarantee handstamp on reverse.
1879 stampless cover to France bearing blue privilege CONGRESS CORREOS circular date stamp with crown at top, black handstamped 'T' as this privilege did not extend yo overseas mail, no evidence of charge being paid, with red arrival cds.
1901 10c. orange-brown reply stationery card with numeral 000000, slight black mark on outward section and some toning on reply.
1904 cover to England plastered front and back with 1876 ¼c. pale green (all singles) with Pontevedra cds, blue manuscript “T/ 25” tax marking, Redruth arrival backstamp; some stamps damaged overlapping the edge, a spectacular late usage.
Unclearly dated small internal Madrid franked with 1cu bronze (Edifil 22) tied by grill of bars, red date stamp at right. Stamp with good to large margins, a good example with CEM Certificate (2022)