1896 stampless cover to England endorsed "No stamps available" with 'Wadi-Halfa' despatch cds, framed 'T' handstamp and '2½dD/F.B.' charge applied at London, reverse with 'Caire' transit cds; without back flap, scarce.
1899 ‘4 Milliemes’ on 5m. postal stationery card with substituted ‘4’ used from Khartoum to Cairo, at base tpo Bani Suwef – Cairo, with short message. Some slight ageing, a generally good commercial example.
1905 4m. on 5m. postal stationery card to Wiesbaden, Germany, cancelled 'Halfa' cds, 'Hallal-Louxur Amb.1 ' and 'Bani-Suwef-Cairo' TPO transits, arrival cds at left.
1908 1pi. registered stationery envelope used internally from Ed-Duem to Khartoum, part two red wax seals, some slight toning.
1909 2m posta stationery wrapper to African Missionary at Verona, Italy, uprated with further 2m. 'Arab Postman' tied Khartoum date stamps; fine and clean condition.
1915 5m ‘Arab Postman’ postal stationery envelope to Tynan, Co. Armagh, Ireland cancelled by good strike of Myolo cds, reverse with Khartoum transit and Tynan R.S.O. cds. Enclosed is lengthy two page letter written by a senior officer at Yambio. A fine, very scarce item without any censorship.
1916 5m ‘Arab Postman’ cover to Tynan, Co. Armagh, Ireland cancelled Myolo cds with a clear strike alongside, reverse with Khartoum transit and Tynan R.S.O. cds. Enclosed is lengthy two page letter written by a senior officer at Yambio. A fine, very scarce item without any censorship.
1918 5m. postal stationery envelope to Tring cancelled 'Wau' date stamp, bottom left corner with Capt. Underwood of Highland Light Infantry endorsement, Khartoum transit on reverse, re-directed on arrival to Leighton Buzzard.
1931-37 three 10p. ‘Statue of General Gordon’ airmails imperf colour trials on S G watermarked paper without gum; fine and scarce.
1948 ‘Arab Postman’ 3p. black frame die proof on glazed card with manuscript reference number 147/31; fine condition