(Maritime) 1905 (Jan) picture postcard with serrated edge entitled ‘Shipping on the Menam near Windsor & Co.’ addressed to France, franked 1a. tied by undated blue double ring LIGNE DE SAIGON A BANGKOK, front bearing “Kraal 1/05” manuscript; a fine card.
(Yunnan Province) 1929 registered cover to Paris franked overprinted Unification 1c. pair, 4c. and corner pair 10c. with sheet number and Burial of Sun Yat-sen 2v., reverse with blue Hai-Phong Tonkin transit, redirected with arrival backstamp.
1894 registered cover to Constantinople franked ‘group type’ 10c., 15c. and 50c. tied by Haiphong Tonkin, redirected on arrival to Poste Restante, Milano, reverse with Galata arrival and on front a Galata depart cancel, Suez and Alexandria transit backstamps, French maritime Ligne N Paq. Fr. No.4 date stamp, final Milano arrival cds on reverse.
1900 registered cover to Alger franked 30c. and strip of three 4c. cancelled Haiphong Tonkin cds, red French transit on front and arrival backstamp.
1901 (12 Fevr) 15c. blue postal stationery envelope, 146 x 112mm sent registered to Saigon and uprated 1892-96 25c. tied by Tan-Huyen Cochinchine cds with another fine strike alongside, octagonal framed ‘R’ at left with manuscript number, reverse with Bienhoa Cochinchine transit and arrival cds; fine legible cancels.
1901 (26 Juil) registered cover to Alger franked ‘Group Type’ 10c. and 30c. tied by very fine red Haiphong Tonkin cds with framed ‘R’ in same colour at left, reverse with Marseille transit and alger arrival cds. A fine and attractive cover.
1901 (7 Aout) registered cover to Alger, endorsed “Via Hong Kong & Naples” and in red-violet ink that underlines the former “per Germany Steamer”, franked 10c. and two 20c. tied Haiphong Tonkin in red with framed registration in same colour, reverse with Hong Kong transit, Marseille transit and arrival cds.
1902 registered cover to St Gallen, Switzerland, redirected internally to Vulpera, franked on reverse with 20c. and 30c. tied Hanoi Tonkin cds that is repeated on front.
1902 ‘Avis De Reception’ complete form for a letter from Haiphong Tonkin to Nottingham Road, Natal, franked with 10c. tied red Haiphong Tonkin date stamp, this date stamp repeated inside, also with Aden transit and T.P.O. Natal arrival.
1905 A.R. registered cover from Haiphong to Yokohama, Japan bearing mixed issue franking of 25c. group type and Grasset 2c with three on front and twenty-one on reverse, to make up the 75c. rate. The obverse bears two different framed ‘R’ handstamps and framed ‘A.R.’; good clean condition.
1905 A.R. registered cover from Haiphong to Yokohama, Japan bearing mixed issue franking of 25c. group type and Grasset 2c with three on front and twenty-one on reverse, to make up the 75c. rate. The obverse bears two different framed ‘R’ handstamps and framed ‘A.R.’; good clean condition.
1906 15c. postal stationery envelope to French Post Office at Pak-Hoi, China cancelled by Haiphong Tonkin date stamp, reverse with Pak-Hoi-Chine arrival cds; fine condition.
1909 (21 Mai) picture postcard of Ruins of Bondhiste Temple, franked Indo-China 2c tied by Vapeur No1 cds (Salles 2013), similar cancel on other side together with negative Vapeur No 1 Postes Cochinchine cachet alongside, fine and rare item of mail from the Mekong.
1913 registered cover to Ghent/Gand, Belgium franked ‘Grasset’ 20c. and interpanneau pair 15c. (millesimes 6) tied by Haiphong date stamp, arrival backstamp.
1923 registered envelope to Paris with triple country franking of '4 Cents' on 10c. Canton; '8 Cents' on 20c. of Tchonghung and '12 Cents' on 30c. tied by HAIPHONG date stamp.
1928 registered envelope to Paris franked strip of three '14 Cents' on 35c. cancelled 'SAIGON CENTRAL * COCHINCHINE' date stamp in blue. Red railway cachet on reverse.
1933 stampless cover from KALLUKKATTI, India to Vinhlong with manuscript "30c" charge and circular-framed handstamp 'T/50c.' and 10c. and 20c. applied and tied 'VINHLONG' cds.