1918 OHMS registered cover to Hull bearing single franking 6a tied Berbera cds with registration handstamp alongside, at left blue manuscript REGISTERED and number of Indian Sea Post, large Aden censorship cachet, reverse with Aden transit and various British cancels; good condition.
1928 (5 Apr) cover to Brava, Somalia franked on reverse with 10c and 20c which have been cancelled upon arrival; envelope slightly cut down, unusual.
1938 cover to London franked 2a. tied Bur... date stamp (probably Burco). The envelope with embossed logo of Somaliland Camel Corps on back. With letter headed the same and embossed logo at left. Very fine condition.
1953 'Certificate of Posting' form for registered item to Cornwall, England, cancelled 'HARGEISA G.P.O.' cds; good quality.
Somalia 1930 registered picture postcard to Switzerland franked 5c. on 2b., pair 10c. on 1a. and a 2L. tied Mogadiscio cds, registration label at top, arrival cds at base. Fine condition.
Somalia 1948 (29.JA.) stampless envelope from Mogadishu to Udine, posted during the riots against Italians in Mogadishu, sent by emergency free airmail for victims grante by the British Administration, showing Mogadishu despatch cds, ‘SERVICE DES POSTES’ handstamp and good strike of the triangular ‘SINISTRATI/ RIFUGIATI/ 1948/ SOMALIA/ FRANCHIGIA POSTALE’ handstamp; fine and scarce.