(Combination Franking) 1862 (16 Ott) entire to New York bearing Sardinia 80c orange in combination with Regno 40c. rose-carmine tied by Genova cds as well as red Paid New York cds, red ‘P.D.’ and clear Italie Lanslebourg French entry cds; 40c stamp with straight edge at bae, fine colours and appearance, signed A. Dienna and Colla Certificate.
(Neapolitan Provinces) 1861 (26 Feb) outer letter sheet to Foggia bearing single franking 2gr., good to large margins tied by framed ANNULLATO, fine Partenza Da Napoli date stamp at right, arrival backstamp of the following day. An early usage of this stamps, 12 days after issue and a rarer cancel on this issue, signed A.Diena, Sassone and Raybaudi, ex Provera.
(Neapolitan Provinces) 1861 (31 Ago) outer letter sheet to Napoli franked 2gr. blue horizontal pair and 5gr. rose-carmine tied by two TROPEA date stamps, straight-line ASSICURATA handstamp below, arrival backsatmp. Very fine appearance with stamps with good to large margins and fine clear cancels, tear in backflap not detracting.
(Papal States) 1853 entire to Geneva, Switzrland bearing single franking four margined 5 baj. tied Roma cds, two-line VIA DE/SALZANA and single-line T.S.2., reverse with blue Carouge and Geneve cds; good condition.
(Papal States) 1855 entire to Palma franked 1b and 7b with touched to close margins, the 1b with both frame lines at base handstamped with blue CENTO handstamp with matching small cds top left, each stamp additionally cancelled by Ferrara cross, framed Stati Pontificio handstamp to left, arrival backstamp.
(Papal States) 1859 part entire without side flaps to Lisbon, Portugal franked by 1852 single four margined 2b and right-hand marginal horizontal strip of four 5b, with margins just touched in two places, cancelled/tie by rhomboid of bars, small framed P.P. at right, unclear despatch, red French entry cds and local arrival charge handstamp ‘480’ reis, reverse with French transits and oval arrival date stamp; fine clean appearance.
(Papal States) 1865 part outer letter sheet to Mahe, Seychelles franked by 1852 50b blue together with 6b greenish grey tied by single grid of bars cancel, Roma despatch cds (3 Lug) at right, framed ‘P.P.’ at centre, French octagonal maritime date stamp at centre. A fine franking paying the double rate for conveyence by sea to Marseille and then on board a French oacket to Alexndria, carried overland to Suez, where a Ligne Suez-La Reunion French packet completed the last portion of the journey. The 50baj showing the design complete, barely touching at base, clear to large margins otherwise. Three of the backflaps are missing. One of just two covers recorded, originating from all Italian States, addressed to the Seychelles (both from the Papal states, bearing a 50baj and each being unique with involvement of either French or British packets). Signed Colla, A. Bolaffi, Sorani, Oliva, R. Diena plus Bolaffi Cert.
(Papal States) 1866 ladies mourning envelope to Gourock, Scotland bearing three colour imperf franking, reverse with Edinburgh tarnsit and arrival cds.
(Papal States) 1868 mourning envelope addressed to a “Chevalier de la Legion d’honneur/ Mayor of Chinon”, franked imperf 40c. and perforated 10c.; fine and attractive.
(Papal States) 1868 outer letter sheet to Sydney, Australia franked imperforate 80 Cent horizontal pair , interspazio di gruppo together with a perforated 10c. and 20c., all with lozenge cancels, Roma cds (21 Ott), small framed PP and two PD, arrival backstamp of DE 25. Extremely scarce inter-panneau pair with one touched margin at top, to an equally rare destination.
(Papal States) 1869 registered cover to Bastia, Corsica bearing mixed issue franking of imperf 80c. single and a further pair of 80c. in a brighter shade together with a perforated 10c. tied by four lozenges, straight-line ASSICURATA handstamp, Roma cds, red framed PD, unframed CHARGE and French entry cds, reverse with framed registration, transit and arrival cancels. The reverse is a bit messy, light vertical filing crease running between two of the 80c. Very rare cover to a fine destination.
(Papal States) 1870 (3 Feb) outer letter sheet to Marseille franked 1868 horizontal strip of three 40c black on straw and 20c lilac-rose (Sa. 29f & 28d) tied by diamond lozenge, Roma cds and framed ‘PD’, red transit at right and arrival backstamp. Light vertical creasing just affecting middle 40c., small surface fault bottom right, signed E Diena and Sorani Cert. A rare multiple on cover.
(Papal States) 1968 outer letter sheet to Marseille franked imperf 10c. and a bottom marginal 40c that shows six clear lines on three sides, a touched seventh line at right tied by two lozenges, Roma cds alongside, French entry cds and black framed PD, reverse with Lyon transit and arrival cds.
(Romagna) 1859 outer letter sheet to Minerbio franked on reverse with 1 baj, four close to good margins tied by largely complete rhomboid of bars, the front bearing Bologna despatch cds.
(Sardinia) 1820s outer letter sheet to “Minister of Interior”, Torino with at left oval colourless embossed 25c., at right straight-line FINALE handstamp; good condition.
(Sardinia) 1853 colourless embossed 20c. blue and 40c. rose both with large part double-ring Seyssel date stamps, the 20c. with four close margins, the 40c. a bottom right corner marginal; fine condition.
(Sardinia) 1862 (12 Mai) outer letter sheet to Lagos bearing single franking 80c. orange-yellow (Sa 17C) showing two large margins, left side touched and cut into at top left corner, cancelled by Genova cds, repeated to right, small red unframed ‘P.P.’, red London Paid transit of MY 14. Without further cancels, a little ink erosion around ‘L’ of ‘Lagos’ not detracting from good appearance to a most unusual destination.
(Sardinia) 1862 (17 Mag.) outer letter sheet to Napoli franked four margined 20c. tied by Lastra A Signa date stamp (A municipality within Florence) with another fine strike at left, reverse with Livorno cds and tpo, arrival cds and local charge handstamp.
(Sicily) 1860 entire to Torino franked 2 gr., plate III and 20 gr. dark slate (Sass 8 & 13c) tied ornate framed handstamp with fine strike of Messina date stamp to reight, red three-line POROSCAFI/ POSTALI/ FRANCESCI alongside, reverse with Genova transit and arrival date stamps. Both stamps with four margins; fine and clean condition. E. Dienna Certificate.
(Tuscany) 1860 (12.7.) outer letter sheet to Genova bearing single franking 20c light greenish grey-blue, just touched, tied by Livorno cds with further strike alongside, underpaid with P.D. obliterated with five bar cancel, italic ‘Insufficiente’ handstamp applied at top, manuscript “3” and red ‘Da Livorno/ VIA DI MARE’, arrival backstamp. A very fine and scarce usage, Raybaudi Cert.