Showing all items of country Corfu, sorted alphabetically. Clear all filters
Greece (Corfu) 1875 stampless mourning entire from Messina, Sicily with Napoli and Brindisi transits on reverse, bearing black handstamped ‘T’ on front and on arrival large ‘120’ handstamp and two 60 lepta Postage Dues applied and tied with numeral in lozenge; fine and scarce.Greece (Corfu) 1875 stampless mourning entire from Messina, Sicily with Napoli and Brindisi transits on reverse, bearing black handstamped ‘T’ on front and on arrival large ‘120’ handstamp and two 60 lepta Postage Dues applied and tied with numeral in lozenge; fine and scarce.


Covers and stamps / Greece / Corfu / Postage dues

(Corfu) 1875 stampless mourning entire from Messina, Sicily with Napoli and Brindisi transits on reverse, bearing black handstamped ‘T’ on front and on arrival large ‘120’ handstamp and two 60 lepta Postage Dues applied and tied with numeral in lozenge; fine and scarce.


Greece (Corfu) 1875 stampless mourning entire from Trieste  with despatch cancel on front and arrival backstamp, faint blue manuscript “70” and perf 12½ 70 lepta Postage Due applied and tied by numeral lozenge.


Covers and stamps / Greece / Corfu / Postage dues

(Corfu) 1875 stampless mourning entire from Trieste with despatch cancel on front and arrival backstamp, faint blue manuscript “70” and perf 12½ 70 lepta Postage Due applied and tied by numeral lozenge.


Italian Occupations (Corfu) 1942 pair of censored registered covers from Kerkyra, franked at 2L.25 rate with ‘ISOLE JONIE’ (Ionian Islands) overprinted issues, Italian censorship at sides, Athens arrival backstamps.Italian Occupations (Corfu) 1942 pair of censored registered covers from Kerkyra, franked at 2L.25 rate with ‘ISOLE JONIE’ (Ionian Islands) overprinted issues, Italian censorship at sides, Athens arrival backstamps.

Italian Occupations

Covers and stamps / Corfu / Italian Occupations / Censored mail

(Corfu) 1942 pair of censored registered covers from Kerkyra, franked at 2L.25 rate with ‘ISOLE JONIE’ (Ionian Islands) overprinted issues, Italian censorship at sides, Athens arrival backstamps.


Italy (Incoming Mail) 1871 stampless entire written from Corfu to Venezia bearing unclear despatch cds, handstamped ‘6’ rate marking, on arrival 60c. Postage Due applied tied framed VENEZIA ARRIVO date stamp, repeated on reverse.Italy (Incoming Mail) 1871 stampless entire written from Corfu to Venezia bearing unclear despatch cds, handstamped ‘6’ rate marking, on arrival 60c. Postage Due applied tied framed VENEZIA ARRIVO date stamp, repeated on reverse.


Covers and stamps / Corfu / Italy / Postage dues

(Incoming Mail) 1871 stampless entire written from Corfu to Venezia bearing unclear despatch cds, handstamped ‘6’ rate marking, on arrival 60c. Postage Due applied tied framed VENEZIA ARRIVO date stamp, repeated on reverse.


Greece (Italy Maritime) 1900 (10 Jen) Corfu picture postcard to Egypt bearing single franking Small Hermes Head imperf 10L. tied blue Scilla Piroscafo Postale Italiano, repeated at left, arrival cds bottom left, some slight stains. Greece (Italy Maritime) 1900 (10 Jen) Corfu picture postcard to Egypt bearing single franking Small Hermes Head imperf 10L. tied blue Scilla Piroscafo Postale Italiano, repeated at left, arrival cds bottom left, some slight stains.


Covers and stamps / Corfu / Greece / Italy / Maritime

(Italy Maritime) 1900 (10 Jen) Corfu picture postcard to Egypt bearing single franking Small Hermes Head imperf 10L. tied blue Scilla Piroscafo Postale Italiano, repeated at left, arrival cds bottom left, some slight stains.


Italy (Libia) 1916 cover addressed to Serbian Relief Fund, Hospital, Corfu, franked 5c. and two 10c. tied R.Nave Libia cds, red censorship at top, Italian at right and Serbian at base, reverse with further despatch and Italian censor plus unclear arrival; fine tripe censored cover.Italy (Libia) 1916 cover addressed to Serbian Relief Fund, Hospital, Corfu, franked 5c. and two 10c. tied R.Nave Libia cds, red censorship at top, Italian at right and Serbian at base, reverse with further despatch and Italian censor plus unclear arrival; fine tripe censored cover.


Covers and stamps / Italian Colonies / Serbia / Libya / Corfu / Censored mail / Hospital

(Libia) 1916 cover addressed to Serbian Relief Fund, Hospital, Corfu, franked 5c. and two 10c. tied R.Nave Libia cds, red censorship at top, Italian at right and Serbian at base, reverse with further despatch and Italian censor plus unclear arrival; fine tripe censored cover.


Greece (Picture Postal Stationery) 1900s 5 lepta card with chromo-litho colour ‘Souvenir de Corfu’ very fine unused.Greece (Picture Postal Stationery) 1900s 5 lepta card with chromo-litho colour ‘Souvenir de Corfu’ very fine unused.


Covers and stamps / Greece / Corfu / Picture Stationery

(Picture Postal Stationery) 1900s 5 lepta card with chromo-litho colour ‘Souvenir de Corfu’ very fine unused.


IONIAN ISLANDS (Disinfected Mail) 1840 (13 Marzo) entire to Firenze bearing fine Coat of Arms handstamp on front and ornate framed CORFU date stamp on reverse, disinfected in transit with two slits, straight-line Malta Post Office handstamp, reverse with straight-line LIVORNO and two-line APRILE/1840 handstamp. Small part of entire missing but generally fine appearance.

IONIAN ISLANDS (Disinfected Mail)

Covers and stamps / Malta / Ionian Islands / Corfu / Disinfected mail

1840 (13 Marzo) entire to Firenze bearing fine 'Coat of Arms' handstamp on front and ornate framed 'CORFU' date stamp on reverse, disinfected in transit with two slits, straight-line 'Malta Post Office' handstamp, reverse with straight-line 'LIVORNO' and two-line 'APRILE/1840' handstamp. Small part of entire missing but generally fine appearance.


Ionian Islands 1851 (11 Mar) cover to Ireland bearing crown circle Paid at Corfu, Corfu cds in association, red Paid cds of 27MR on front and red cds of next day on reverse together with ennis arrival cds of next day.Ionian Islands 1851 (11 Mar) cover to Ireland bearing crown circle Paid at Corfu, Corfu cds in association, red Paid cds of 27MR on front and red cds of next day on reverse together with ennis arrival cds of next day.

Ionian Islands

Covers and stamps / Ionian Islands / Corfu / Crown Circles

1851 (11 Mar) cover to Ireland bearing 'crown circle' Paid at Corfu, Corfu cds in association, red Paid cds of 27MR on front and red cds of next day on reverse together with ennis arrival cds of next day.


ITALY – WWII Ionian Islands 1942 two censored cover sent from Corfu to Athens both franked with Italian Occupation for Ionian Islands stamps in combination with Greek 1934 Charity stamps. Censor cachets and labels.  ITALY – WWII Ionian Islands 1942 two censored cover sent from Corfu to Athens both franked with Italian Occupation for Ionian Islands stamps in combination with Greek 1934 Charity stamps. Censor cachets and labels.

ITALY – WWII Ionian Islands

Covers and stamps / Italy / Turkey / Greece / Ionian Islands / Corfu / Censored mail / Military / Mixed Currency covers / Post Office

1942 two censored cover sent from Corfu to Athens both franked with Italian Occupation for Ionian Islands stamps in combination with Greek 1934 Charity stamps. Censor cachets and labels.
