(Advertising Stationery) 1917 1c. envelope of ‘Ajax Fire Engine Works’ with fine red image of machine in use, addressed to ‘The North German Lloyd of Bremen, Batavia, Java, Dutch East Indies’, New York despatch and arrival backstamps; heavy central vertical filing crease.
(Advertising Stationery) 1930s 8pf. Ebert with fine illustrated camera card for Photo-Porst of Nurnberg; very fine unused.
(Advertising Stationery) circa 1900 private advertising 10c stationery envelope for rubber wheels with illustration at left of Horse and Carriage; light vertical and horizontal filing creases, scarce.
(Advertising Stationery) Late 1870s 1/2d.brown postal stationery card with fine illustrated advertisement for ‘Fancy Stained Wood & Veneered’ in Bethnal Green, London, used to Lubeck with uprating stamp carefully removed; unusual overseas usage.
(Advertising Stationery) Late 1870s ½d. brown postal stationery card with fine illustrated advertisement for ‘Zinc Clip-Label for Flower Pots’; fine unused.
(Air Transits) 1941 (9.9.) cover to Dallas, Texas franked New York S.Y.S. $1, $2 and $5 tied by Shanghai cds, fine blue-violet AIR TRANSIT 6 double ring handstamp, ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape applied at left, tied on reverse with small framed ‘31’, whilst at right there is a ‘64’ both in ink of Air Transit h/s; some glue staining around stamps.
(Airmail) 1911 (SP 12) ‘Windsor Flight’ card to Heidelberg, Germany franked by two ½ d. tied by two large FIRST UNITED KINGDOM/ AERIAL POST/ LONDON, with full message in fine condition.
(Airmail) 1940 (17.6.) registered cover to Lisbon franked $3 rate ($2 Air, 50c. postage and 50c registration) for airmail via India and Egypt. The cover was held in China until August and then sent to Hong Kong where the two-line ‘Diverted by air via U.S.A. owing/ to suspension of Air France Service’ added, reverse with Honolulu transit of Sept 6, New York transit Sept 10 and then to Bermuda where censored, arriving in Lisbon on Set 19th. A fine diverted WW2 airmail cover.
(Alaouites) 1926 (4.4.) cover to Beirut franked Syria 0f50 block of four overprinted ALAOUITES displaying two different settings cancelled Lattaquie cds, arrival backstamp.
(Alsace Lorraine) 1871 (18/Oct) folded invoice to Metz bearing mixed franking pair 20c. with upwards network and France 'Laureated Napoleon' 40c. tied 1386 large numeral with Elbeuf cds in association, framed P.P., the 20c. pair only tied by French cancels and bu two blue crayon lines, next day arrival backstamps.
(Alsace Lorraine) 1871 (24/10) insured cover franked 1c., 4c. and two 25c. tied Illkirch-Grafenstaden cds, the 25c with network pointing downwards (Mi 7II) and 1c. and 4c. pointing upwards (Mi 1I and 3I); a fine franking, Roumet Certificate.
(American and British Zones) 1949 60pf airmail letter sheet showing spelling variety ‘hochgeschlagen’ instead of ‘hochschlagen’, very fine unused with normal for comparison. (Michel LP 3I)
(Anatolia) 1901 20pa. postal stationery card to Grosskarben, Germany with negative seal of Nigde, arrival cancel bottom left, reverse with transit; card irregularly cut at top.
(Anjouan) 1895 (25 Mai) 10c. ‘Sultanat d’Anjouan’ postal stationery card to London cancelled blue octagonal ANJOUAN COL. FRANC., repeated at left and overstruck with D’Zaoudzi Mayotte transit, Marseille A La Reunion maritime date stamp, annotated “ViaLa Reunion/ et Seychelles”. Some toning, Ex. Grabowski.
(Antilles – Windward Islands) 1801 (Oct 24) entire to Sta Cruz de Tenerife bearing fair two-line strike in magenta ISLAS DE/ BARLOVENTO, docketed despatch from “Havonay” and received”17 Apl 1802”; fine and clean condition.
(Arab Kingdom) 1920 (23.4.) commercial cover to Bale, Switzerland franked pair 5m. on 5pa. overprinted Turkish fiscal tied single bilingual Halep cds, without backstamps.
(Arctic Ship Mail) 1911 picture postcard to Karlsbad via Assern, Lifland, franked 3k Arms cancelled with oval 1st White Sea Steamship ‘a’. Ex Dr. Casey The message “I send greetings from the White Sea, D. Mikhail Kazi”. The ‘Michael Kasi’ is listed in Lloyd’s Register of Shipping as having belonged to Archangel-Murman Steam Navigation Company.
(Austrian Forerunner) 1899 (11/11) Austria 2kr. postal stationery card sent internally cancelled Schaan Im Fursteuth Liechtenstein, with arrival Balzers cds below.A very fine quality strike.
(Austrian Post Offices) Ottoman 1869 Postage Due 1pi yellow-brown and red-brown, perf 5-11, used on 1870 outer letter sheet to Venice paying the internal rate from Scutari cancelled by extremely fine Scutari D’Albanie, franked Austrian Levant 5s and 10s (2) tied by Antivari cds for onward transmission. Arrival cds on reverse. The address re-written and some ageing around Austrian issues. A scarce and attractive combination. A Diena Cert. (1974)
(Azerbaijan) 1923 (11.VI.) registered cover to Baden, Switzerland with Baku registration label on the front, franked on reverse 1921-22 5000r green pair in combination with Transcaucasian Federation Russia 35k. and two pairs of 1r. with star overprint, tied by Baku cds, arrival cancel to side; some slight creasing.