Wurttemberg (Picture Stationery) 1890s 5pf card titled ‘Gruss vom Heilbronner Rathskeller’, Postkarte type II, depicting the Restaurant and a specific table with wine drinking and music; fine unused. PP11 F.8 05Wurttemberg (Picture Stationery) 1890s 5pf card titled ‘Gruss vom Heilbronner Rathskeller’, Postkarte type II, depicting the Restaurant and a specific table with wine drinking and music; fine unused. PP11 F.8 05

(Picture Stationery) 1890s 5pf card titled ‘Gruss vom Heilbronner Rathskeller’, Postkarte type II, depicting the Restaurant and a specific table with wine drinking and music; fine unused. PP11 F.8 05


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