Germany (Picture Stationery) 1890s1913 5pf Germania card inscribed ‘Austellung Zur Jahrhundert Feier der Freiheitskriege Breslau 1813’ with image General Blucher at Caub, including a dog in foreground, used with special cancel. PP27 C.165-08Germany (Picture Stationery) 1890s1913 5pf Germania card inscribed ‘Austellung Zur Jahrhundert Feier der Freiheitskriege Breslau 1813’ with image General Blucher at Caub, including a dog in foreground, used with special cancel. PP27 C.165-08

(Picture Stationery) 1890s1913 5pf Germania card inscribed ‘Austellung Zur Jahrhundert Feier der Freiheitskriege Breslau 1813’ with image General Blucher at Caub, including a dog in foreground, used with special cancel. PP27 C.165-08

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