Antigua ANTIGUA:  1864 (JU 11) outer letter sheet without side flaps to Wilmot, Nova Scotia franked 1863-67 1d. rosy-mauve, wmk Small Star, rough perf 14 to 16 single and horizontal strip of four tied by superb strikes of St. John’s ‘A02’ obliterators, endorsed “Via Halifax”,  red crayon “4” credit marking and at left cursive ‘CTS/ 5’ charge on arrival, reverse with neat Antigua despatch, double arc St Thomas transit (JU 13), Halifax date stamp (JY 12) and Wilmot arrival. A very fine and rare cover. Ex. Charlton-Henry (1961), Victor Toeg (1990), F. Mayer (2004) and Besancon. Antigua ANTIGUA:  1864 (JU 11) outer letter sheet without side flaps to Wilmot, Nova Scotia franked 1863-67 1d. rosy-mauve, wmk Small Star, rough perf 14 to 16 single and horizontal strip of four tied by superb strikes of St. John’s ‘A02’ obliterators, endorsed “Via Halifax”,  red crayon “4” credit marking and at left cursive ‘CTS/ 5’ charge on arrival, reverse with neat Antigua despatch, double arc St Thomas transit (JU 13), Halifax date stamp (JY 12) and Wilmot arrival. A very fine and rare cover. Ex. Charlton-Henry (1961), Victor Toeg (1990), F. Mayer (2004) and Besancon.

ANTIGUA: 1864 (JU 11) outer letter sheet without side flaps to Wilmot, Nova Scotia franked 1863-67 1d. rosy-mauve, wmk Small Star, rough perf 14 to 16 single and horizontal strip of four tied by superb strikes of St. John’s ‘A02’ obliterators, endorsed “Via Halifax”, red crayon “4” credit marking and at left cursive ‘CTS/ 5’ charge on arrival, reverse with neat Antigua despatch, double arc St Thomas transit (JU 13), Halifax date stamp (JY 12) and Wilmot arrival. A very fine and rare cover. Ex. Charlton-Henry (1961), Victor Toeg (1990), F. Mayer (2004) and Besancon.


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