Virgin Islands 1902 (MR 13) 2½d. postal stationery envelope registered and uprated with ½d., 2½d. and 1/-  ‘Madonna’ to  Berlin tied TORTOLA cds, black ‘R’ in oval handstamp with blue crayon manuscript number which is overstruck with blue Danish West Indies registration handstamp with black manuscript number, St Thomas transit backstamp and arrival cds (9/4)Virgin Islands 1902 (MR 13) 2½d. postal stationery envelope registered and uprated with ½d., 2½d. and 1/-  ‘Madonna’ to  Berlin tied TORTOLA cds, black ‘R’ in oval handstamp with blue crayon manuscript number which is overstruck with blue Danish West Indies registration handstamp with black manuscript number, St Thomas transit backstamp and arrival cds (9/4)

1902 (MR 13) 2½d. postal stationery envelope registered and uprated with ½d., 2½d. and 1/- ‘Madonna’ to Berlin tied TORTOLA cds, black ‘R’ in oval handstamp with blue crayon manuscript number which is overstruck with blue Danish West Indies registration handstamp with black manuscript number, St Thomas transit backstamp and arrival cds (9/4)


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