Seychelles Postal Stationery) 1915 6c blue stationery card, the outward section of the reply card used to England.
Only two copies known. Not recorded by Higgins & Gage or Robson Lowe. It is probable the front halves were held back until the reply halves were sold out as no example has been recoreded before 1909. Ex Jeffrey Weiss.
Seychelles Postal Stationery) 1915 6c blue stationery card, the outward section of the reply card used to England.
Only two copies known. Not recorded by Higgins & Gage or Robson Lowe. It is probable the front halves were held back until the reply halves were sold out as no example has been recoreded before 1909. Ex Jeffrey Weiss.

Postal Stationery) 1915 6c blue stationery card, the outward section of the reply card used to England. Only two copies known. Not recorded by Higgins & Gage or Robson Lowe. It is probable the front halves were held back until the reply halves were sold out as no example has been recoreded before 1909. Ex Jeffrey Weiss.


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