(Maritime) 1890 4k. Russian postal stationery card to Christianstad cancelled by Stockholm cds with framed ‘Fran RYSSLAND’ handstamp in association. With full message on reverse, written from Libau. Fine condition.
1743 entire to WINDAU, without postal markings but with manuscript "Franco"; small tear at base otherwise fine and early item.
1779 entire to RIGA bearing good example of small circle 'crown/MITAU' handstamp; good quality early item.
1783 entire bearing good strike of circular framed 'crown/posthorn/MITAU' handstamp, manuscript rates and black wax seal; fresh condition.
1786 entire to NARVA bearing small decorative framed 'RIGA' despatch handstamp; fine condition early cover.
1788 entire to Paris bearing good example of crown and posthorn 'MITAU' handstamp, manuscript rate markings and straight-line 'MASEYCK' transit handstamp. Very fine early cover.
1791 outer letter sheet to PERNAU bearing large 'RIGA' despatch handstamp, manuscript "fco" bottom left; fine and clean condition.
1794 "Popen en Courlande" headed entire to BRUGGE with unclear red handstamp, various manuscript rate markings including "9 -fr West" on side flap; fresh condition.
1804 entire to HODIMONT, Belgium bearing rare small 'MITAU' handstamp and two-line 'PRUSSE/PAR MAASEYCK' French entry handstamp; fine quality.
1806 local wrapper bearing fine straight-line 'JACOBSTADT' handstamp, very scarce.
1838 wrapper to Riga bearing, on reverse, oval-framed Post Hilchenstehr handstamp with manuscript date, faint Riga arrival.
1840 outer letter sheet to WALK with, on reverse, very fine 'KOKENHUSEN' despatch date stamp with the date added in manuscript, to right double-ring bilingual 'RIGA' transit; fine and attractive.
1840 wrapper to RIGA bearing, on reverse, very fine oval-framed 'POST MENZEN' handstamp with manuscript date, light Riga arrival alongside together with fine religious seal.
1841 (2 April) wrapper to Riga bearing, on reverse, bilingual oval-framed Kuikatz handstamp with manuscript date, together with Dorpat transit and Riga arrival cds.
1842 wrapper to WOLMAR bearing, on reverse, oval-framed 'POST LENZENHOF' handstamp with manuscript date.
1845 printed entire bearing fine cyrillic two-line Jacobstadt date stamp and with large Riga transit cachet on reverse.
1849 outer letter sheet to RIGA bearing fine oval 'POST: NEUER MUEHLEN/18' date stamp with day, month and balance of year applied in manuscript, arrival backstamp; fine condition.
1850s large part outer letter sheet to Libau franked Russia 10kop. with close margins tied '235' dotted lozenge, sideflap with bilingual Windau despatch cds. Fine early example of first stamp of Russia used in Latvia.
1853 outer letter sheet to RIGA bearing fine oval 'POST:OHGER/18' date stamp with day, month and balance of year applied in manuscript; arrival backstamp. Fine condition.
1857 10k. pl.I with large even margins, tied to small piece by framed ‘RIGA’ date stamp, very fine and surprisingly scarce cancel on this issue.