(German Post Offices) 1903 (9/11) wrapper to Berlin endorsed “drucksache” bearing 1901 3pf Reichspost Germania tied Tientsin a Deutsche Post cds, blue military cachet at left, no backstamps.
(German Post Offices) 1904 home-made wrapper to Cassel franked vertical pair 3pf Reichpost tied Tientsin Deutsche Post cds, some slight staining.
(Kamerun) 1892 (29 4) German forerunner 3pf. postal stationery wrapper to Rosenthal uprated 3pf. and 5pf. tied by two Kamerun cds, arrival backstamp; fine condition.
(Post Offices in Turkish Empire) 1908 5 Centimes on 5pf. diagonal overprint postal stationery wrapper overprinted Specimen. Good condition.
(South) 1890s postal stationery wrapper Design Competition Essay with heading of ‘Newspaper Only’, hand-painted in black ink on card with stamp impression ½d. ship and at left Kangaroos below Tree, endorsed “Mancunius” at top; mounting mark on reverse and a little irregularly cut but showing fine penmanship.
1806 local wrapper bearing fine straight-line 'JACOBSTADT' handstamp, very scarce.
1838 wrapper to Riga bearing, on reverse, oval-framed Post Hilchenstehr handstamp with manuscript date, faint Riga arrival.
1840 wrapper to RIGA bearing, on reverse, very fine oval-framed 'POST MENZEN' handstamp with manuscript date, light Riga arrival alongside together with fine religious seal.
1841 (2 April) wrapper to Riga bearing, on reverse, bilingual oval-framed Kuikatz handstamp with manuscript date, together with Dorpat transit and Riga arrival cds.
1842 wrapper to WOLMAR bearing, on reverse, oval-framed 'POST LENZENHOF' handstamp with manuscript date.
1860 2C. Andrew Jackson with small grill, Scott 93, tied to small ‘Le Messager Franco-Americain’ wrapper by segmented cork cancel, red French accountancy at centre, without backstamps; fine condition.
1861-66 2c Andrew Jackson with grill tied by segmented cork cancel on newspaper wrapper ‘Le Messager Franco-Americain’ to Paris, red French accountancy 15c. stamp has been lifted to check grill size.
1862 1d. Nestle Price Current private postal stationery wrapper to Basle, Switzerland, cancelled barred diamond ‘36’ of London, endorsed “pr Calais” and red circular-framed ‘PP’ and Angl. Amb Calais B French entry cds, red crayon “05” arrival charge, reverse with Basel cds.
1866 O.H.M.S. wrapper used to Spanish Town franked by bisected 1d. tied A52 obliterator with cds of Mandeville in association on reverse, front bearing arrival cancel; some slight tones, (S.G. 1d.)
1884 (4 Juil) ‘La Cloche’ newspaper wrapper to Atiheu, Marquises with ‘TAHITI/ 5c’ handstamp overstruck with Papeete Taiti cds. Fine condition.
1889 (2 Avril) 1c. postal stationery newspaper wrapper, uprated 1885 10c. to Berlin; fine condition.
1890 (or 1891) 2c postal stationery wrapper to Hamburg, endorsed “via Livingston/ New Orleans” with ornate pen cancellation, Correos Coban five pointed star duplex. On reverse violet Correos Livingston transit which is dated 1891.
1893 ½d stationery wrapper used within Kingston bearing good strike at left of small Too Late handstamp; fine condition
1901 '3' on '4 cents' on 2c. postal stationery newspaper wrapper cancelled cds and addressed to Bordeaux, black two-line Retour/ a L'Envoyeur at base, reverse with straight-line INCONNU a RAPPEL B handstamp plus another example with index 'C'.
1902 2c. Coat of Arms postal stationery wrapper, uprated with 1892-96 2c Rivarola vertical pair and tied by two small violet Asuncion date stamps, addressed to Tegernsee, Bavaria with arrival backstamp. Vertical filing crease at left