(Alsace Lorraine) 1871 (18/Oct) folded invoice to Metz bearing mixed franking pair 20c. with upwards network and France 'Laureated Napoleon' 40c. tied 1386 large numeral with Elbeuf cds in association, framed P.P., the 20c. pair only tied by French cancels and bu two blue crayon lines, next day arrival backstamps.
(Alsace Lorraine) 1871 (24/10) insured cover franked 1c., 4c. and two 25c. tied Illkirch-Grafenstaden cds, the 25c with network pointing downwards (Mi 7II) and 1c. and 4c. pointing upwards (Mi 1I and 3I); a fine franking, Roumet Certificate.
(Napoleonic Mail) 1799 outer letter sheet to “General Laroche” commanding 5th Division at Strasbourg bearing two-line ‘3e D.on/ ARM. DU DANUBE. Rated “5” decimes; fine and clean condition.
1875 folded company entire to Mulhouse franked 10pfge tied good strike of Markirch horseshoe cancel, Mulhausen i. Elsass arrival backstamp cancel n same style; good late usage.
1878 (7 Janv) mourning envelope to Scheibenhardt, Alsace, Germany bearing three-colour franking 1872-73 General Colony ‘Ceres’ 5c., 10c. and 25c., the latter with small corner fault, otherwise close to large margins, tied by SNG lozenges, St. Louis cds in association, red French maritime cds, endorsed on reverse “Correspondence des armees” and signed. Despite this the cover was prepaid the full 40c. rate as Alsace was now part of Germany and the military rate did not apply. Ex Sacher