(Jamaica transit mail) 1829 (6th June) entire to Belfast, Ireland endorsed to travel “pr Prince Elizabeth Packet”, bearing on front two-line red ‘FRANCO HAS/ TA E PUERTO’ handstamp, rated “3/6” made up of 2s1d UK inward Packet Letter charge plus 1s5d inland postage through to Ireland, reverse with fine green MEXICO fleuron applied in transit at Falmouth, red arrival backstamp, very fine, Ex Hugh Wood.
(Panama) 1871 (Dec) envelope to Limerick, Ireland franked 1867-80 1/-, plate 5, IC cancelled ‘C35’ obliterator with A/ PANAMA cds in association, arrival backstamp.
1867 (Apr 17) orange-brown envelope to Killaloe, Co. Clare, Ireland bearing single franking 1861-62 24c. Washington brown-lilac tied by target cancel with Suspension Bridge N.Y. cds at right, red New York transit, part Liverpool cds, arrival backstamp. A couple of small ter in envelope and missing backflap.
1871 (Jun 17) registered yellow envelope to Galway, Ireland franked 1870-71 1c. Franklin pair and 6c. Lincoln (2) tied by segmented cork cancel, San Francisco Registered cds alongside, reverse with red octagonal Registered Dublin transit and arrival cds; light vertical filing crease and some small tears on back.