(British Post Offices) 1872 cover to Germantown, Philadelphia, USA franked Great Britain 4d. and 6d. cancelled ‘B01’ obliterators with Cairo cds in association to left, London transit with New York Paid All cds alongside with cursive ‘2/ CENTS’ overstruck, unclear framed hand stamp on reverse; fine early stamped pre UPU transatlantic cover.
(British Post Offices) 1874 (OC 29) envelope to Janesville, Mass., United States, endorsed “Via Brindisi” franked at bottom left with Great Britain 1865-73 4d. vermillion in horizontal strip of three, plate 13, LG-LI, cancelled by three ‘B02’ obliterators, A SUEZ cds in association top right and circular framed PD at top, London transit, American entry cds and cursive 2/CENTS charge handstamp; fine and scarce.
(Combination Franking) 1862 (16 Ott) entire to New York bearing Sardinia 80c orange in combination with Regno 40c. rose-carmine tied by Genova cds as well as red Paid New York cds, red ‘P.D.’ and clear Italie Lanslebourg French entry cds; 40c stamp with straight edge at bae, fine colours and appearance, signed A. Dienna and Colla Certificate.
(Madeira) 1873 envelope to New York, endorsed “via England” and franked vertical pair and horizontal pairs of 1870 80r. orange with thin 3mm high letters tied numeral obliterators with Funchal cds in association, framed PD and London PAID trnsit, reverse bearing New York Paid All entry cds; tear in front of envelope and part of bottom backflap missing, still a scarce and attractive multiple franking.
(Scotland) 1835 Missent to Falmouth Packet: Entire addressed to Pickering, Canada, endorsed “By Liverpool and New York” but forwarded in error to Falmouth where framed ‘Mifsent to/FALMOUTH’ applied and returned to Liverpool, at New York ‘SHIP’ and ‘FORWARDED’ handstamps added plus cds, reverse with red Upper Canada and Haddington date stamps, two green Queenston cds on front, manuscript “2/5 ½“ charge at right; fine and unusual.
(Ship Letter) 1837 (24 July) entire from New York to London, endorsed “P St Andrews”, rated “4/2” showing a very fin framed CORK/ SHIP LETTER, reverse with Cork (18.8.), Dublin (19.8.) and arrival (21.8.) date stamps; a fine example. Ex G Booth
(Transatlantic Mail) Undated cover to Boston bearing mixed franking 1863-64 perf 9½ 15kr. Arms pair and #coarse whiskers’ 3kr. tied Josefstadt in Wien cds, reverse with part Bremen transit and on front framed PAID handstamp applied on arrival; envelope slightly reduced at left.
(Treaty Port) 1867 (Apr 1) envelope to Fisherville, New Hampshire, USA containing two letters written from “U.S.S. Wachusett, Hong Kong” franked 1862 No Watermark 18c wing marginal and 1863-71 4c. and 24c. each with B62 obliterator, reverse with dark blue SHANGHAF cds of AP 8 with ‘F’ for ‘E’ and a Hong Kong cds of AP 12, front showing red London Paid, red manuscript rate markings “1/10 ½’ altered to “1/9 ½” and “l” for local carriage, sent via London and New York; some ageing mostly around edges, a fine cover.
1762 (16 Aug) entire from Charleston, South Carolina to London, rated “5” which has been deleted and replaced with “11d”, manuscript “ship” top right and straight-line ‘CLONMELL’ below, reverse with straight-line ‘COUNTRY’ and arrival Bishopmark. A remarkable item , believed to be the only recorded ship letter from Clonmel which was further upstream from Dungarvan. Ex Roberts (1989)
1826 entire from London to Boston with, on revere five-line forwarders details 'Received and Forwarded By/ Your obedient servant/ ROBERT R. HUNTER/ Consul U.S.A./ cowes' on Isle of Wight, front bears cursive framed SHIP/6; fine and scarce
1847 (26 July) entire to Boston, endorsed bottom left “pr Schr Cutter”, sent unpaid with red New-York SHIP 7cts date stamp of Sep 17 (representing 5c. delivery to Boston and 2c, ship letter charge); light vertical filing crese, fine and fresh.
1848 entire from Zante to Boston, United States endorsed “Via Marseilles” without any clear indication of despatch except for commercial chop top right, addressed care of forwarding agents in London whose blue ornate handstamp appears at base, red PAID date stamp of London and red ‘29’ US accountancy.
1851 (23 Juil) entire to Baltimore franked 1849-50 Ceres 25c. horizontal pair (small fault bottom right corner) and 1f. with four large margins tied by ‘roller grill’, Paris cds in association at right, red framed PD and BR PACKET ‘5’ BOSTON date stamp at centre, annotated “by/ steamer/ from Liverpool”; a small closed tear runs down through to 'C' of 'Franc' on the 1f. an attractive first issue transatlantic cover.
1852 (20 Fevr) ‘Presidence’ 25c. blue close to large margins tied by ‘gros points’ on envelope to New Orleans with two strikes of framed ‘affrancht- Insuffisant’, a most unusual underfranked cover with this issue.
1857 (Apr 16) orange-buff envelope addressed to “Secretary of Legation of the U.S., Madrid, Spain” franked with 1853-55 3c. dull red (Sc 11) in two vertical pairs (left-hand pair with touched margins at right), blue cork cancels and matching Picolata Fla date stamp, circular framed PP and red London Paid, double-ring Madrid cds, various manuscript rate markings including “2 pesetas”. The envelope is rebacked front with repaired corners, The Philatelic Foundation certificate.
1857 (Jun 17) entire to Neustadt endorsed “Postage Paid” and “pr prussian closed mail” franked 1851 12c. pair (with margins touched at left) and 1853-55 3c. pair (good to large margins) tied by Hannibal Mo. Cds, red N.York 7 Br. Pkt PAID cds, at top framed AACHEN 3/7/ FRANCO entry cancel, reverse with Altona transit and arrival cds. A fine and rare cover with Philatelic Foundation Cert (1999).
1858 (Nov 4) entire to La Rochelle, endorsed “pr Sonora” with despatch cds at right, San Francisco Cal 15 rate handstamp at left, 3 New York transit at right overstruck by French entry cds, reverse with Paris A Bordeaux and Paris cds together with arrival; some splitting along filing fold.
1859 (April 15) envelope from London to Nassau, Bahamas, addressed to a Lieut. MacKenzie, 1st W.I. Regt and franked at 6d. military post rate with 1855-57 issue tied by heavy barred cancel, annotated “Via Liverpool & New York”, reverse with blue undated Hyde Park cds.
1859 (April 18) cover to England franked pair 10d. 'Jacques Cartier' tied by two bar obliterators with crown framed 'Legislative Assembly/ April 18/ 1859/Canada' handstamp, London transit. The left-hand stamp with four fine margins and that on the right with three goood margins; a fine and attractive double weight cover
1859 cover to “Passenger Overland/ Post Office. Aden”, red Boston Paid cds, carried by British Packet at 39c rate on cunard “Niagura”. At top manuscript endorsement “N J Kindman’s complis/ Aden May 23rd 1859” for forwarding out of mails to Penang, a manuscript arrival endorsement on reverse.