(Borneo) 1881 (17/3) 5c. postal stationery card to Batavia, cancelled straight-line SINGHAWANG which is overstruck by Pontianak double-ring cds. Obverse also bears two strikes of N.I. EXP. Kant Singapore, arrival cds at right; good condition.
(Japanese Occupation) 1940s postal advice card to Padang bearing single franking overprinted 10c. tied by native date stamp.
(Japanese Occupation) 1943 Official printed entire used within Soerabaja bearing despatch cds top right and series of handstamps in reddish violet ink; some slight staining at corners of no real consequence.
(Picture Stationery) 1900s (10.2.) 5c. blue Numeral stationery card with part image on front titled by sender “Jobo, Aroe Islands” , sent to den Haag and uprated 10c. Queen Wilhelmina tied Makasser square circle; fine condition.
(Picture Stationery) 1899 7½c stationery card with blue image on reverse of a bustling street scene, used to Mittwenida, Germany with square circle despatch and transit date stamps. Fine and scarce.
(Picture Stationery) 1910 5c stationery on thick stock with photographic image on reverse of locals with a fine horned Oxen pair, used with Medan square circle date stamp, to Wormerveer with arrival cds to left; fine condition.
(Picture Stationery) c1900 5p blue on bluish stationery card with multi-image on reverse titled WILHELMINATOREN GROET UIT SOERABAIA; small nick at top left corner of card otherwise fine and clean condition.
(Transvaal) 1897 (16 Jun) cover to Netherland Indies franked 1896-97 ½d. and vertical pair 1d. tied Pretoria cds which is repeated on reverse, Padang square circles of 8/8 and Weltevreden of 12/8, the cover being returned with framed VERTROKKEN/ PARTI handstamp and redirected to Netherlands with oval blue handstamp on front, reverse with Marseille transit and arrival cds of 26 Oct.
1842 printed entire to The Hague bearing large black Ongefrankeerd/ Zee Brief/ Sourabaya handstamp, to right red Zeebrief Den Helder date stamp, Batavia transit at centre, rated "60", red arrival backstamp; good condition.
1879 (30 6) cover to Zurich, Switzerland franked 1870-88 5c and pair of 10c. cancelled ‘8’ in dotted lozenge, Buitenzong cds at right, reverse with Brindisi transit and arrival cds.
1888 5c. postal stationery card used from Delft to Padang with despatch and arrival cds, at bottom left fine unframed NED:INDIE/ STOOMSCHEPEN/ REGTSTREEKS maritime handstamp
1892 (16/12) 7½c. postal stationery card uprated with two horizontal pairs of 1883-90 2½c. yellow-orange, sent registered to Mulheim, Germany, the stamp image cancelled by square circle Weltevreden date stamp and the pairs by ‘1’ numeral lozenge; without arrival, fine appearance.
1896 12½c. postal stationery envelope sent registered to Wurtemberg, Germany additionally franked 1870-88 12½c. grey and 1892-97 10c. Queen Wilhelmina all tied by square circle Besoeki date stamps, unframed ‘R’ handstamp at top centre, reverse with local transits and Unterturkheim arrival cds.
After WW2, the Netherlands were given permission to establish a post office in ‘Beatrix Kamp’, Singapore, where ex-Dutch POW’s of the Japanese were housed following their release. This cover dated 13 MAR 1946 airmail to Leiden, showing the K 10 Gr handstamp applied to show under 10gr and thus available for free postage, Netherlands Postoffice Singapore cds.
circa 1840s outer letter sheet to Soerakarta, bearing fine oval-framed Djocjokarta Ongefrankeerd handstamp (W de B 143c) with manuscript 10 charge within cancel
Undated wrapper to Sapara bearing black oval Probolingo/ Franco handstamp, manuscript “45” charge (W de B 252a)