(Boer War) 1901 (19 Feb) cover from Barberton to Green Point Camp, franked with Transvaal 1900 1d. rose-red and green overprinted ‘V.R.I.’, addressed to the elusive “Mr A Gunning/ Tent No.14 (Transvaales)/ Greenpoint, Cape Town”, censored on departure with large double-lined violet oval ‘Burgher Camp/ Barberton’ with “censored” and initials at centre, sent via Pretoria (24.2.) to Green Point Camp (1.3.) where it was censored on arrival, redirected north to Ladysmith camp where it was again censored and rectangular ‘PASSED/ S.O.P NATAL/ CENSOR/ P. of W.’ and triangular ‘PASSED/CENSOR P. OF W.’ Applied, from there sent to Diyatalawa Camp CEYLON where three separate censors have applied their violet oval handstamp. One censor en route has improvised some tape handstamping it ‘On H Majesty’s Service’ (folded out for display). An extraordinary redirected cover, showing eight censor marks on face, having travelled through FOUR camps. Remarkable and probably unique.
(Cape of Good Hope - Basutoland) 1901 internal Cape Colony cover franked 1d. ‘Hope’ tied Leribe C.G.H. cds, two blue PR handstamps and part of ‘Opened Under Martial Law’ tape at top.
(Cape of Good Hope – Picture Stationery) 1898 One Penny surcharge card with blue-black image entitled Table Bay used from Cape Colony to Holland; name erased.
(Cape of Good Hope – Picture Stationery) 1898 One Penny surcharge card with rose-pink image entitled House of Assembly. Cape Town used from Cape Colony to Jauer, Germany.
(Cape of Good Hope – Picture Stationery) 1899 One Penny red card entitled ‘SOUTH AFRICAN ROYAL MAIL SERVICE’ R.M.S. “Dunvegan Castle’ used Port Elizabeth to Hamburg; slight overall ageing.
(Cape of Good Hope – Picture Stationery) 1900 One Penny surcharged card ‘Greetings from Cape Town’ with three colour images of Docks, Government House and Adderley Street, used from Kloof St Gardens to Lausanne, Switzerland; some slight tone spotting on reverse.
(Cape of Good Hope – Picture Stationery) 1900s ‘One Penny’ surcharge card with image of ‘House of Assembly, Cape Town’ in green, fine unused.
(Cape of Good Hope – Picture Stationery) 1903 1d carmine card ‘Mertens & Sichel’s Store – Walfish Bay’ in green used with Walfish Bay cds to Vienna. Fine and scarce used from here.
(Cape of Good Hope) Undated outer letter sheet to Colonial Secretary, Cape Town bearing oval handstamp ‘Post Office Cape of Good Hope’ with ‘GR’ initials at centre. In 1805 on occasion of the second British Occupation prepayment of mail became compulsory and handstamped.
(Football and Cricket) 1901 (12 May) cover to “Stowe House, Nr Kidderminster, England” franked Great Britain 1d. lilac tied Army Post Office/ Barberton/ South Africa cds. Contains two letters of 7.V. (some splitting) and 14.5. both with many references to Riding, Football and Cricket.
(New Republic/ Transvaal) 1888 (18 Aug) envelope registered to Bordeaux bearing 2d. (4 Jan 87) on granite paper without embossed Arms, in combination with Transvaal 1883 re-issue 1d. (3), 1885 6d. blue, 1885 ½d. on 1s. green and 1887 2d. n 3d. mauve (, one damaged), all tied by oval VRYHEID date stamp in violet with year error ‘87’, red manuscript registration number, London and Calais to Paris cds, with on reverse, Dundee Durban and arrival cancels, the envelope with large part cut away on reverse. This letter was posted less than a month after the New Reublic became part of the Trnsvaal. Transvaal postage stamps wre already available in Vryheid. The postage rate to France from the Transvaal was 9½d. via the Cape Colony and 7½d. via Natal. The registration fee was 4d. The 2d New Republic internal charge should no longer have applied, but was nevertheless paid by the sender. From the transit marks this letter followed the more convenient and cheaper route through Natal and is thus 4d overpaid.
(Orange Free State Bisect) 1868 (May 27) small envelope to Somerset East. The letter is believed to have been carried privately to Phillipolis postmaster (A.P.J. van der Poel), the sender having pinned a 1/-, the Postmaster bisected it, replaced half the stamp and the pin, and added a 4d. Cape, on arrival at Colsberg the stamps were cancelled, the cancel not taking to the bisected stamp because of the pin. A most remarkable and unusual item. With fine explanatory article by Douglas Roth in the Spt 1956 South African Philatelist, a Certificate from that year and a RPSL Cert of 1984.
(Picture Stationery) 1900 2pf grey card entitled ‘Sudafrikanischer Kriegsschauplatz 1900’ depicting President Kruger addressing the troops at Pretoria Government house; very fine unused.
(Transvaal – Picture Stationery) 1890s 1 Penny card ‘Greetings from Johannesburg’ image to right and, to left with ‘Boer & Briton’; unused but addressed.
1767 (20 Fe) Entire written from 'Cap' addressed to Gand (Belgium) with ms 'Colonie' notation on front, rated '6', fine and early
1887 cover to Danzig franked 1d (2) and 2d tied unclear despatch cancels, reverse with BLOEMFONTEIN transit and further unclear cds. An unusual destination.
1890 1d. card with image entitled 'The Late Crisis in Johannesburg/Scene in Simmonds Street'; fine c.t.o.
1890s 1d. double view stationery card 'Greetings From Johannesburg' - Telephone Tower & Pritchard Street; good used.
1890s 1d. picture stationery card with blue image of President Kruger; good unused.
1890s 1d. picture stationery card with blue image of President Kruger; used to Germany.