(Airmail) 1940 (17.6.) registered cover to Lisbon franked $3 rate ($2 Air, 50c. postage and 50c registration) for airmail via India and Egypt. The cover was held in China until August and then sent to Hong Kong where the two-line ‘Diverted by air via U.S.A. owing/ to suspension of Air France Service’ added, reverse with Honolulu transit of Sept 6, New York transit Sept 10 and then to Bermuda where censored, arriving in Lisbon on Set 19th. A fine diverted WW2 airmail cover.
(Azores) 1918 (22 Agos) 1c. Ceres postal stationery card to Berlin, the message datelined from Angra, endorsed at top “Correspondencia de prisioneiros d. guerra” with local red censor cachets and violet German cachet at top upside down.
(Azores) 1918 stampless envelope to “Bureau International Paix, Section civile” at Berne, Switzerland with faint Angra despatch cds bottom right, reddish violet two line dated CENSURADO, censor tape at left tied front and back by ‘203’ cachet, reverse with senders details and ornately framed oval DEPOSITO/ DE/ CONCENTADOS ALEMAES/ NA/ ILHA TERCEIRA; fine.
(Boer War) 1901 (19 Feb) cover from Barberton to Green Point Camp, franked with Transvaal 1900 1d. rose-red and green overprinted ‘V.R.I.’, addressed to the elusive “Mr A Gunning/ Tent No.14 (Transvaales)/ Greenpoint, Cape Town”, censored on departure with large double-lined violet oval ‘Burgher Camp/ Barberton’ with “censored” and initials at centre, sent via Pretoria (24.2.) to Green Point Camp (1.3.) where it was censored on arrival, redirected north to Ladysmith camp where it was again censored and rectangular ‘PASSED/ S.O.P NATAL/ CENSOR/ P. of W.’ and triangular ‘PASSED/CENSOR P. OF W.’ Applied, from there sent to Diyatalawa Camp CEYLON where three separate censors have applied their violet oval handstamp. One censor en route has improvised some tape handstamping it ‘On H Majesty’s Service’ (folded out for display). An extraordinary redirected cover, showing eight censor marks on face, having travelled through FOUR camps. Remarkable and probably unique.
(British Occupation of German East Africa) 1919 (24.9.) G.E.A. overprinted 3c stationery card uprated overprinted 3c. to Lubeck, Germany, tied by double-ring Wilhelmstat cds with Tanga transit alongside, below this straight-line OPENED BY CENSOR. Full message from a Missionary at Wuga writing in English in case previous messages had not arrived (presumably as in German).
(Cape of Good Hope - Basutoland) 1901 internal Cape Colony cover franked 1d. ‘Hope’ tied Leribe C.G.H. cds, two blue PR handstamps and part of ‘Opened Under Martial Law’ tape at top.
(Corfu) 1942 pair of censored registered covers from Kerkyra, franked at 2L.25 rate with ‘ISOLE JONIE’ (Ionian Islands) overprinted issues, Italian censorship at sides, Athens arrival backstamps.
(Eastern Anatolia) 1921 envelope to Istanbul franked Ministry of Finance 5 piastre rose overprinted Ottoman Posts 1337 and tied Malatya native date stamp, at centre good strike of blue negative Malatya censor, arrival backstamps; a couple of slight stains and torn backflap, good clear cancels.
(German Post Offices) 1917 registered cover from a German Consulate to Buxtehude, Germany bearing single franking 20 Cents 20 on 40pf tied Schanghai Deutsche Post cds, New York transit backstamps (2.7. and 2.8.) where the cover was intercepted and two-line ’Mail service suspended/ to country addressed’ and two ‘RETURN TO WRITER’ handstamps applied, envelope opened for return address and sealed by three perf 12 Officially Sealed labels, duly returned via Tientsin (6 Mar 18) to Shanghai (9 Mar) where censored with the rare bilingual label tied by two red seals of censor and bilingual Shanghai cds; small ink stain at left otherwise a fine and rare item.
(German Prisoner of War – Bando Camp) WW1 ‘SERVICE DES PRISONNIERS DE GUERRE’ printed stampless envelope to Germany with large red cachet at left and as redirected a violet Freigegeben/ Auslandstelle Coln-Deutz applied, reverse with British ‘OPENED BY CENSOR/ P.W. 1105’ censor tape; with content letters.
(Greek Occupation) 1921 envelope franked on reverse 1914 20pa red (10) tied by Brousse 2 bilingual cds, Greek censor cachet at top; two vertical filing creases and some slight perf toning.
(Internee Mail) 1943 (15.2.) stampless free envelope addressed to Occupied France via the Red Cross bearing red framed ‘SERVICES/ des belligerant internes’, Beyoglu Istanbul despatch, double-ring crescent moon and star circular handstamp, violet Marine Francaise/ Service A La Mer ‘anchor’ illustrated handstamp, German Ab civil censorship. Senders details on reverse as from French Sailor from Minesweeper. Fine condition.
(Interrupted Mail) 1941 (Dec 19) registered, Return Receipt Requested, 3c legal size stationery envelope to Philippines uprated with 3c. Jefferson, 15c. Buchanan and 3c Torch tied by two four-ring targets, reverse with Mahukona Hawaii Registered cds, Honolulu transit that ties the pair of Christmas seals, undeliverable because of the War gainst the Japanese at the destination, brown censor tape at side tied RELEASED/ BY I.C.B. – 58 handstamp on reverse, new Honolulu cds of Apr 13 1942 with final Mahukona arrival of APR 18, the front showing two-line RETURNED TO SENDER/ SERVICE INTERRUPTED; vertical central crease affecting one label otherwise fine item.
(Interrupted Mail) 1941 unclearly dated commercial cover to Berlin, the three stamps tied single violet despatch, transiting through New York (6-18), intercepted at Bermuda with two separate OPENED/ BY EXAMINER tape, numbers 3425 and 6005 in different spacing types, handstamped ‘RELEASED’ below wavy-lines, German language label at left, partly translating as ‘Withheld Mail cleared by Censor’. Four condemned covers are recorded by Peter Flynn with two PC90 labels of different numbers and that it is not certain if applied by different examiners in Bermuda or in transit in London after the war. Faint arrival backstamp.
(Italian Occupation) 1941 censored cover to Halle, Germany franked 15q. and 30q. tied Tirana Posta Auropa date stamp, censor tape at left with handstamp front and back, German civil Censor roller cancel at base.
(Italian Post Offices) 1919 censored mourning envelope to Alexandrie, Egypt franked Italian 5c. (3), 10c. (2) and 20c. tied by fine POSTE ITALIANE/ HIMARA (ALBANIA) cds, censor tape at left tied on reverse three-line Verificato/ Per Censura/ Valona handstamp, Brindisi transit and arrival cds; some toning around some stamps and slight faults to periphery of envelope. A fine example of a very scarce cancel.
(Libia) 1916 cover addressed to Serbian Relief Fund, Hospital, Corfu, franked 5c. and two 10c. tied R.Nave Libia cds, red censorship at top, Italian at right and Serbian at base, reverse with further despatch and Italian censor plus unclear arrival; fine tripe censored cover.
(Libia) 1916 cover to Geneva, Switzerland bearing single franking overprinted 25c. tied by fine strike of Marsasusa (Cyrenaica) cds, with violet censor cachets and tape at top.
(Libia) 1917 cover to Geneva, Switzerland bearing overprinted 5c. and 20 on 15c. tied by fine strike of Marsa Susa (Cyrenaica) cds, with censor tape at left tied front and back two-line Milano/ Posta Estera, regimental cachet at centre, arrival backstamp.
(Macedonia) 1942 cover sent from SKOLPJE to Trieste bearing unique Italian Military cachet "COMANDO MILITARE/ITALIANO STAZIONE/SKOPLJE" of small Italian military unit at Macedonia, manuscript "Zona sprouvista/francoboli" - NO STAMPS AVAILABLE, censored, transit and arrival cds. Unique, ex. Cihangir (lot 3901)