(Balkan War) 1913 Telegram envelope to Stara-Zagora, Eastern Roumelia with bilingual arrival date stamp on reverse.
(Eritrea) 1951 (21.10.) telegramme stamped on reverse with 1950 1 Shilling on 1s. vertical pair and 10 Shilling on 10/- plus 1951 10 Cents on 1d. light ultramarine tied by two Asmara Central date stamps. Slight tear in margin top right otherwise fine.
(Eritrea) 1951 (21.11.) telegramme stamped on reverse with 1950 1s on 1/- (2), 5s. on 5s. and two 10s. on 10s. tied Massaua Vaglia (A) datestamps, each stamp with usual small punch holes.
(Eritrea) 1951 (25.10.) telegramme stamped on reverse with 1950 40 Cents on 5d. (2), 50 Cents on 6d., 1 Shilling on 1s. vertical strip of four and 10 Shilling on 10/- vertical pair, tied by two Asmara Telegrafo date stamps and with series of punch holes as normal.
(Natal) 1883 Natal Government Telegraphs with message from Durban to Newcastle, Newcastle cds at right, short ten word message, folded in half with slight stain towards top right.
1883 (Oct. 7) ‘The Eastern Telegraph Company’ printed Telegram envelope registered to Mauritius bearing mixed issue India franking of 1865 2a. brown-orange and 1882-90 3a brown-orange with two ‘B’ within bars cancels, Aden cds to left and four-line dated Registration handstamp, ‘R’ in circle bottom right and to left red oval Registered Mauritius. The envelope has had a new corner added at bottom right, a rare mixed franking.
1888 (21/3) ‘Telegram’ envelope registered to “United States Steamer, Atlanta, Port au Prince” franked 3c., 4c. and 10c. (repaired corner) tied St Thomas cds, registration handstamp at left alongside manuscript arrival note for Mar 31st, reverse with Port Au Prince Haiti cds of 29 Mars. Rare registered stamped telegramme.
1902 Telegram envelope sent internally to German Cruiser “Geier” with native date stamp on front. An accumulation of receipt etiquettes inside; roughly opened at right.
1907 (28 Janv) internal envelope addressed to “Infanterie Coloniale” franked 1900-01 10c. and 19034c. tied by blue Diego Suarez cds with matching triangular framed ‘T’, at left a telegramme receipt label affixed to envelope with the same cancel used as a postage due notice for 12c., a scarce usage.
1913 (2.7.) printed Telegram envelope to Berlin franked on reverse with Romanov 1k. marginal block of ten with St Petersburg date stamps; unevenly cut at side of envelope.