1881 cover to Bombay, franked horizontal strip of three 4a. tied Aden B-22 duplex, ship endorsement at top, reverse with Sea Post Office E cds; envelope slightly unevenly reduced at top.
(Accident Mail) 1936 (Dec 1) cover addressed to Sudan Railways, Atbara, Sudan endorsed to travel by SS “Queen Mary”, the envelope sustaining damage en route across the Mediterranean on a French ship. The front with violet Bureau Ambulants Mediterranee cds of 11.12. and in same ink two-line DETERIORE par/ accident de Service, two examples on front and one on reverse tying the Post Office sealing tape, above this an Alexandria machine transit cancel. Stamp soaked off and some slight damage.
(Airmail) 1940 (17.6.) registered cover to Lisbon franked $3 rate ($2 Air, 50c. postage and 50c registration) for airmail via India and Egypt. The cover was held in China until August and then sent to Hong Kong where the two-line ‘Diverted by air via U.S.A. owing/ to suspension of Air France Service’ added, reverse with Honolulu transit of Sept 6, New York transit Sept 10 and then to Bermuda where censored, arriving in Lisbon on Set 19th. A fine diverted WW2 airmail cover.
(Arctic Ship Mail) 1911 picture postcard to Karlsbad via Assern, Lifland, franked 3k Arms cancelled with oval 1st White Sea Steamship ‘a’. Ex Dr. Casey The message “I send greetings from the White Sea, D. Mikhail Kazi”. The ‘Michael Kasi’ is listed in Lloyd’s Register of Shipping as having belonged to Archangel-Murman Steam Navigation Company.
(Azores) 1886 (29 Ago) stampless opened-out envelope to Rio de Janeiro with large oval CORREIO DA HORTA date stamp, circular-framed ‘T’ handstamp and octagonal 300 Rs. Charge handstamp applied on arrival, reverse with Lisboa transit (7 Set) and arrival cancels (24 Set).
(Azores) 1917 Red Cross stationery card to Chemnitz bearing ornate oval-framed DEPOSITO/ DE/ CONCENTADOS ALEMAES/ NA/ ILHA TERCEIRA handstamp and two-line CENSURADO/ 16 SET. 1917 in same ink. Good condition with long message.
(Azores) 1918 (22 Agos) 1c. Ceres postal stationery card to Berlin, the message datelined from Angra, endorsed at top “Correspondencia de prisioneiros d. guerra” with local red censor cachets and violet German cachet at top upside down.
(Azores) 1918 stampless envelope to “Bureau International Paix, Section civile” at Berne, Switzerland with faint Angra despatch cds bottom right, reddish violet two line dated CENSURADO, censor tape at left tied front and back by ‘203’ cachet, reverse with senders details and ornately framed oval DEPOSITO/ DE/ CONCENTADOS ALEMAES/ NA/ ILHA TERCEIRA; fine.
(Azores) 1943 stampless envelope from a soldier to Lisbon with contents bearing three different violet handstamps, one indicating from the Military and two censors, Lisboa machine backstamp.
(Bando Prison Camp) 1917 registered money letter to Shanghai bearing three label tied with usual unclear violet Prisoner of War handstamps, Shanghai I.J.P.O. arrival backstamp; vertical filing crease affecting one label, rare.
(Boer War) 1901 (19 Feb) cover from Barberton to Green Point Camp, franked with Transvaal 1900 1d. rose-red and green overprinted ‘V.R.I.’, addressed to the elusive “Mr A Gunning/ Tent No.14 (Transvaales)/ Greenpoint, Cape Town”, censored on departure with large double-lined violet oval ‘Burgher Camp/ Barberton’ with “censored” and initials at centre, sent via Pretoria (24.2.) to Green Point Camp (1.3.) where it was censored on arrival, redirected north to Ladysmith camp where it was again censored and rectangular ‘PASSED/ S.O.P NATAL/ CENSOR/ P. of W.’ and triangular ‘PASSED/CENSOR P. OF W.’ Applied, from there sent to Diyatalawa Camp CEYLON where three separate censors have applied their violet oval handstamp. One censor en route has improvised some tape handstamping it ‘On H Majesty’s Service’ (folded out for display). An extraordinary redirected cover, showing eight censor marks on face, having travelled through FOUR camps. Remarkable and probably unique.
(British Post Offices) 1928 (13 AP) registered cover to England franked Great Britain 1½d. and 3d. tied Army Post Office 1 cds, fine handstamped registration label at left, reverse with further despatch, Liverpool and Gosport registered cancels; fine registered item.
(British Military Concession Cover) 1839 (Mar) outer letter sheet to London endorsed from George Stevens on the HMS Donegal in Lisbon and countersigned by Lieut. Duthy. Endorsed ‘1’(d) for the military concession and with London cancels front and back, at bottom left very fine strike of the rare Crowned To be/ delivered/ FREE handstamp indicating no London local charges due. Sold at Cavendish Jan 2004 sale for £1700. Fine Exhibition item. The H.M.S. Donegal landed Portuguese Seamen taken from the slaver ‘Diligente’ instead of prosecuting them for slave trading, as agreed by the Foreign Office.
(British Military Offices) 1937 (30 Aug) cover to England franked Great Britain 1½d. cancelled by Field Post Office No.1 cds, then based at Tientsin. The envelope is endorsed at top left “Posted on mannouvers1937/ Field Post Office No 1/ Headquarters 1st Division/ Youngshung” (Yangtsun). Fine condition and unusual usage of tne Coronation stamp.
(British Occupation of German East Africa) 1919 (24.9.) G.E.A. overprinted 3c stationery card uprated overprinted 3c. to Lubeck, Germany, tied by double-ring Wilhelmstat cds with Tanga transit alongside, below this straight-line OPENED BY CENSOR. Full message from a Missionary at Wuga writing in English in case previous messages had not arrived (presumably as in German).
(British Occupation) 1915 (31.3) ‘Sofort zu offnen’ (Open Immediately) printed envelope that has been amended in manuscript to “O.H.M.S.” stampless registered envelope to St Jouan des Guerets, France, with blue manuscript lines and R , two strikes of framed ‘T.’ Handstamps, Duala (Kamerun) a cds at top left, Registered Plymouth transit backstamp with registration label applied to front, arrival backstamp; a rare occupation cover.
(British Occupation) 1915 (9.2.) stampless envelope endorsed “On Active Service/ No Stamps available/ B.C.P/ (Chaplain” to England with fine strike of the German Duala (Kamerun) a cds; a little roughly opened on reverse.
(British Post Office) 1846 (NO 21) thin paper, disinfected cover to London, endorsed “Via Marseilles”, bearing fine strike of the rare red crown circle PAID/ AT/ ALEXANDRIA, reddish crayon “1/8(d)” at left, black Alexandria double arc, two diagonal disinfection slits and Maltese Lazaret handstamp, London arrival at top, without any backstamps; fine and clean condition.
(British Post Office) 1871 folded 'Monthly Cotton Report' to Manchester, endorsed "pr Brindisi" and franked 1d., ED, cancelled by 'B01' obliterator without any cds, arrival backstamp.
(British Post Offices) 1871 (JU 9) envelope to “His Excellency J Osman Bey/ care of/ Sir Thomas Gabriel Bart, Wimbledon” franked Great Britain 1865-73 pair 4d., plate 12 tied by ‘B01’ obliterators with Cairo cds at base, redirected to Richmond and franked 1858-79 1d., plate 111 tied London SW duplex; small part of backflap missing otherwise fine.