(Hotel) 1904 (7 AP) fine illustrated ‘Grand Hotel’ envelope to Krefeld, Germany, franked KEVII ½d. and pair 1d. tied by two double-ring cds, reverse with fine clear handstamp of James Posso Proprietor of Hotel. Fine quality.
(Illustrated postal stationery) 1897 10c. ‘Souvenir Gibraltar’ card with small black and white illustration on reverse of ‘The Rock’, fresh unused Postcards were legalised in Gibraltar on 17th November 1897 and immediately afterwards a monochrome card was produced depicting the Rock and printed on 10c stationery stock. They were short lived once the colour chromo litho cards became available.
(Illustrated postal stationery) 1930s KGV 2d postal stationery letter card with fine illustration on reverse of ‘rock’ and Ocean Liner, overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally.
(Insured Letter) 1938 cover to Vienna, insured at 2£ with red V label at base, franked 3d. and 6d. tied registered date stamps, reverse with Napoli Ferrovia Estero cds and framed insurance handstamp, Udine Ferrovia cds of following day and Amb Roma Trieste 137 cds incorrectly dated; fine and fresh.
(Moroccan Local Posts) 1897 (6 Giu) cover to British Post Office, Tangier franked Marakesh a Mazagan 10c. tied violet Marrakesh cds, reverse with Mazagan cds (8 Giu) of Local Post and where put into the British Offices with pair of 5c. applied cancelled ‘A26’ obliterator, Mazagan Morocco cds alongside of 10 JU and Tangier backstamp of 15 JU. A little tone spotting of scant significance to this rare combination cover.
(Picture Postal Stationery) 1938 2d grey on cream in colourless embossing, reverse with picture of ships with Gibraltar in the background; fine unused.
(Picture Stationery) 1938 King George VI 2d postal stationery letter card with fine illustration on reverse, diagonally overprinted SPECIMEN; very fine unused.
(Postal Stationery) 1880 Great Britain 'Half Penny' stationery card to Malaga cancelled by A26 duplex; some slight tone spotting.
(Registered Stationery) 1893 20c. envelope, size G, to Amsterdam uprated three 25c. cancelled Registered oval date stamps,arrival backstamp.
(Registered Stationery) 1894 20c envelope, size F, to Boston, USA uprated with 50c. cancelled Registered oval date stamps, London transit to right, reverse with New York transit and arrival tying the stamp image
(Registered Stationery) 1898 2d. envelope, size G, to Clinton, Iowa, USA uprated ½d., 1d. (2) and 2½d. tied registered cancels, London transit at right arrival backstamp.
(Registered Stationery) 1898 2d. envelope, size H, to Minneapolis, USA uprated ½d. and 1s. tied registered cancels, red London transit on front, arrival backstamp; some tone spotting
(Registered Stationery) 1899 2d. envelope, size G, to Berlin uprated 4d., 6d. and 1s. tied registered cancels, arrival backstamp; fine and attractive.
(Registered Stationery) 1900 2d. envelope, size F, to Leipzig Germany uprated with 4d. cancelled Registered oval date stamps, London transit tying image at base, reverse with arrival cds.
(Registered Stationery) 1913 2d. envelope, size H, to Jessnitz, Germany uprated 2s tied registered cancel, arrival backstamp; fine unfolded envelope with high value stamp.
(Soldiers Letter) 1876 (NO 20) cover to Mere, Wilts endorsed and countersigned, bearing Great Britain 1d., plate 172, cancelled A26 obliterator with Gibraltar cds alongside. The letter was written by Prt. Thomas Welch No.1215 of 69th Foot Regiment.
(Soldier’s Letter) 1882 soldier’s concessionary rate cover to Plymouth bearing 16 dots 1d. lilac tied ‘A26’ duplex, envelope correctly endorsed at the top from Private Martin Sweney on “S.S Draceo” at Gibraltar and countersigned by his Commanding Officer; tear at top of envelope with small part of backflap missing.
1791 outer letter sheet to Murtley, Scotland, sent overland and bearing red two-line 'ANDALUCIA/VAXA' transit, rated "4/9d" on arrival, arrival backstamps; some slight faults but rare item.
1822 entire to Edinburgh bearing cursive 'GIBRALTAR' handstamp, manuscript rate marking, red octagonal arrival and faint framed ½d local delivery handstamp; the entire now stuck together.
1823 unpaid incoming entire from Gibraltar with arrival charge handstamp ’12 T.2’, the ‘12’ changed in manuscript to “14”; fine condition.