1881 cover to Bombay, franked horizontal strip of three 4a. tied Aden B-22 duplex, ship endorsement at top, reverse with Sea Post Office E cds; envelope slightly unevenly reduced at top.
(Benin) 1898 (5 Juil) Value Declared for 600 francs on Golfe De Benin 15c. postal stationery envelope to Besancon additionally franked Golfe de Benin 2c., 20c. and 75c. in combination with Benin 1c. and 2c. all tied Porto Novo Dahomey cds, straight-line CHARGE at left and octagonal maritime date stamp at base, reverse with framed segmented handstamp, arrival cds and five red wx seals. A rare franking made up of 50c. postage, 25c. registration and 40c. insurance. Ex. Grabowski.
(Bhopal) 1930s ½ on ¼a SERVICE picture stationery card with a general view in violet slate shade unused. Slightly rounded corners and a little staining. Scarce stationery.
(French Postal Agency) 1864 (Dec) cover to Mme Cordier in Paris with enclosed eight page letter headed Mahe and franked with Mauritius 4d. and 1s., but carried privately to another port (presumably Bombay)where the stamps were not accepted, handstruck ‘18’ decimes and forwarded as an unpaid letter via Aden Steamer Point. Faint red Poss An V Suez Paq F dated 15 Dec, indicating origination in a British colony. A fine item of postal history.
(Jammu and Kashmir) 1887 cover to Stradbally, Ireland franked India 1862-90 4a6p in combination with Jammu and Kashmir 1a. dull green both cancelled by ‘L’ obliterators, reverse with Kashmir cds, Bombay transit and part arrival partly lost with backflap.
(Palestine) 1908 Value Declared parcel card to Jerusalem from Staraia Ouchitza franked 14k. and 1r., endorsed “Via Odessa”, reverse with violet ROPIT JAFFA and ROPIT JERUSALEM cancels; a repair at top of form and central vertical crease; very unusual
(Tibet) 1948 underfranked cover to Nepal bearing on reverse 3p. and 1 ½a. tied Pharijong date stamps, cursive framed postage due handstamp of Pharijong and larger unclear one, presumably arrival alongside.
(Tuscany) 1860 (12.7.) outer letter sheet to Genova bearing single franking 20c light greenish grey-blue, just touched, tied by Livorno cds with further strike alongside, underpaid with P.D. obliterated with five bar cancel, italic ‘Insufficiente’ handstamp applied at top, manuscript “3” and red ‘Da Livorno/ VIA DI MARE’, arrival backstamp. A very fine and scarce usage, Raybaudi Cert.
(Upper Silesia) 1922 (4.3.) registered cover to Leipzig franked with two 2m. in scarce grey-brown shade (Mi. 27b) tied Oppeln cds, registration label at left, Air propaganda label tied on reverse by arrival cds; one stamp affected by envelope crease, opened three sides.
(Used Abroad) 1905 long registered cover to Holland,franked 2a. and pir 2 1/2a. tied Bushire cds, framed registration at left, Sea Post Office C cds and arrival backstamp; central vertical filing crease.
(Used Abroad) c.1876 stampless cover to Bombay cancelled on reverse in brownish BASHIR date stamp and, in the same ink a framed Postage Due with manuscript “2as” charge, arrival cds alongside, with contents.
(Used Abroad) Undated and unfranked cover to Bombay cancelled on reverse Busreh cds of 2 Mar and Bombay arrival of Mar 17, also with framed POSTAGE DUE/ “1a” charge.
1852 (20 Fevr) ‘Presidence’ 25c. blue close to large margins tied by ‘gros points’ on envelope to New Orleans with two strikes of framed ‘affrancht- Insuffisant’, a most unusual underfranked cover with this issue.
1853 (Feb) small cover to Rangoon, Burma bearing double circle Ex/ Calcutta date stamp on reverse, the front carries endorsement “Pr Str India”; good condition.
1858 incoming outer letter sheet from Madras, India to Rangoon with ships endorsement and franked 1865 1a horizontal strip of three tied by diamond of dots handstamps, at centre framed ‘RANGOON/ SHIP LETTER/ Bg. ANNA’ three-line handstamp with manuscript charge, this suffering from ink erosion, horizontal filing crease, otherwise good appearance.
1858 mourning cover and 1875 cover front to France, both franked at 1d. rate with red and black INSUFFICIENTY/ PREPAID handstamps in red and black, an attractive pair
1863 entire from Bombay to Bordeaux bearing framed 'INDIA UNPAID' handstamp, accountancy handstamp 'GB/1f80c', which has been erased and a new handstamp 'GB/1f62c' applied, reverse with red despatch cds and arrival cancels.
1865 (FE 28) cover to Reading, underfranked with Great Britain 1862-64 6d. tied A26 obliterator. Underfranked with fine example of Insufficiently Prepaid handstamp, manuscript “Deficient postage 6d/ fine 6d” and ‘1/-‘ handstamp at right. The Insufficient handstamp had just been delivered to the Gibraltar Post Office in January 1865.
1866 Letter posted from Smyrna (Izmir) to BEIROUT franked by ROPIT 2Pi, blue&rose, tied by triangular dotted "780" numeral handstamp in blue green (Tchil. Fig. 151) of Smyrna