(Japanese Occupation) 1928 (30.10.) part thick parcel front to England franked 1914-25 3s., 5s. and two 30s tied by fine Keijo Chosen cds, handstamped registration label top left, Changchun I.J.P.O. cds of following day; vertical crease clear of stamps, scarce usage of higher values.
(Japanese Occupation) 1930 picture postcard of 'Temple of Heaven' at grounds of Chosen Hotel to Newquay, Cornwall franked two Jaan 1913 3s. tied by single Keijo Chosen cds, one stamp additionally tied by violet Changchun I.J.P.O. transit; good example.
(Japanese Occupation) Circa 1930 cover to Switzerland franked 1926 Nagoya Castle 10s. deep blue tied by Keijo Chosen cds, endorsed “Via Siberien”; good clean condition.
(Japanese Post Offices) 1896 (25 Dec) 4k Russian postal stationery card bearing good strike of the rare framed PAQUEBOT handstamp (Hosking type 3089), cancelled Gensan I.J.P.O.; some overall ageing to card, rare, especially with such clear cancels.
(Japanese Post Offices) 1899 (1 Jul) 4k Russian postal stationery card bearing rare framed PAQUEBOT handstamp (Hosking type 3089), cancelled Gensan I.J.P.O. and showing arrival cancel; overall ageing to card with usual unclear cancels, rare.
(Ship Mail to Korea) 1895 (1 MAY) cover to Berwick, Maine, USA endorsed “Via Nagasaki & Vancouver” franked pairs of 3k. and 7k.., posted on board ship and landed at Korean port of Gensan, cancelled with two red Gensan I.J.P.O. cds with framed PAQUEBOT in same ink. On reverse transits of Nagasaki (8 May), Yokohama (17 May) and San Francisco (Jun 1) plus arrival cds. The earliest usage at Gensan of Paquebot covers with Russian stamps; Ex Dr. Casey.
1897 cover to St Petersburg, posted on ship, 2k. and pair 4k. cancelled at Korean port Gensan I.J.P.O. (3 Dec) and framed PAQUEBOT handstamp on reverse. The envelope is endorsed “Via San Francisco” and shows transit of Yokohama (6 Dec) and arrival cds of 27 XII (8.1.98 New Style) indicating a journey of 36 days. Before the construction of Trans-Siberian Railway it was quicker to send mail via Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, especially during winter.
1902 (2 June) AR registered envelope to St Petersburg, Russia which has been opened-out for display, the front bears 1900-03 New Currency 2ch., 5ch., 10ch., 15ch. (2), 20ch. pair, the reverse with 2re pair and 1895-98 2nd printings 5p., 10p. horizontal strip of three and a 25p. plus red handstamped 5p. 2nd printing and 1899-1900 1p on 25p red overprinted 25p., each stamp cancelled Seoul cds, the front bears registration handstamp and framed ‘A R’ , reverse with Shanghai transit and arrival cds; a couple of light stains not detracting from a remarkable cover.
1902 (24 Nov) registered envelope to Moudon, Switzerland bearing mixed franking 1900-03 New Currency 5ch., 10ch. and 20ch. plus 1902-03 Wide Surcharges 1ch. on 25p. later printing in irregular block of four *strip of three plus one alongside, this stamp showing variety vertical pre printing crease)and 3ch. on 50p., stamps tied by Chemulpo Coree cds, fine registration handstamp at centre, arrival backstamp; top right of envelope torn on opening
1939 A.R. registered money letter envelope to Shanghai franked Japan white paper 50s pair and 6s pair tied Keizyo TyoSen cds, insured for the maximum admitted amount of 1000Y, large bold framed A.R. at centre, Shanghai arrival cds backstamp of 3.7.39. A fine and attractive cover.
1949 airmail cover to Switzerland franked four 1947 50w. Douglas DC-4 Airliner plus 10w Admiral Li Sun Sin tied violet Seoul date stamps; vertical fold at left clear of stamps.
Korea 1902 (12 Dec) registered picture postcard to Lyon, France, franked 1900-03 perf 11 4ch. and 10ch. tied by Seoul Coree cds repeated to left which is overstruck by registration handstamp, Shang-Hai Chine transit of 22 Dec of French post Office, unclear Ligne N French maritime date stamp, arrival cancel bottom right; some light tone spotting, a scarce registered card.
Official Courier Mail 1884 cover with badge of horses imprinted in black (until 1884, the official courier mail service was run exclusively for military and official communications. Only 4-5 of these covers have been recorded, two in vermillion and two in black. This cover formed the opening page of the ‘Kondo Grand Prix Collection’, offered at 1994 David Feldman Auction (lot 1, estimate SFr. 15,000)