(Japanese Post Offices) 1896 (25 Dec) 4k Russian postal stationery card bearing good strike of the rare framed PAQUEBOT handstamp (Hosking type 3089), cancelled Gensan I.J.P.O.; some overall ageing to card, rare, especially with such clear cancels.
(Japanese Post Offices) 1899 (1 Jul) 4k Russian postal stationery card bearing rare framed PAQUEBOT handstamp (Hosking type 3089), cancelled Gensan I.J.P.O. and showing arrival cancel; overall ageing to card with usual unclear cancels, rare.
(Lagos) 1893 ‘1d’ on Penny Halfpenny postal stationery card addressed to Germany with a fine hand-drawn picture of the artist painting a Lion, addressed and messaged but sent under cover.
(Maritime Mail) 1899 cover to Kurau, Germany franked strip of three 10k. tied two Japanese Nagasaki cds, framed PAQUEBOT handstamp in association, reverse with octagonal French maritime Ligne N Paq. Fr, No.4 date stamp; some slight ageing, scarce cover
(Maritime Mail) 1910s picture postcard of Naples to England, written between Rhodes and Naples and franked Great Britain 1 1/2d. tied fine strike of framed bilingual PAQUEBOT
(Maritime) 1899 (27 Aug) cover to Bank of California, San Francisco, endorsed “Via Japan”, bearing five value, four colour franking of 1k., 2k., 3k., 4k. and 10k. tied by three Nagasaki Japan cds with framed PAQUEBOT handstamp (29 x 8mm, Hosking 3244), reverse with Yokohama transit and arrival cds, seal and senders details cut out from reverse, the 4k. and 10k. with slight horizontal creasing; attractive item.
(Maritime) 1900 (4 July) printed envelope to Seattle, USA franked vertical laid paper 10k. pair tied Nagasaki Japan cds with further strike below, framed PAQUEBOT (31 x 9.5mm, Hosking 3243). A postage due charge handstamp has been applied and deleted with blue crayon. The sending company address amended from Shanghai to Vladivostok with handstamp, arrival backstamp, reduced at sides.
(Maritime) 1908 3k postal stationery card, uprated with 1k. to Japan tied by oval Vladivostok – Tsuruga date stamp, to left framed PAQUEBOT handstamp overstruck with Tsuruga Japan date stamp and native cds at left, with short message.
(Ship Mail to Korea) 1895 (1 MAY) cover to Berwick, Maine, USA endorsed “Via Nagasaki & Vancouver” franked pairs of 3k. and 7k.., posted on board ship and landed at Korean port of Gensan, cancelled with two red Gensan I.J.P.O. cds with framed PAQUEBOT in same ink. On reverse transits of Nagasaki (8 May), Yokohama (17 May) and San Francisco (Jun 1) plus arrival cds. The earliest usage at Gensan of Paquebot covers with Russian stamps; Ex Dr. Casey.
1896 (NO 4) 'Orient Line R.M.S. "Orizaba" printed envelope to Kidlington College, Oxford franked GB 2 1/2d. tied by 'A26' duplex, straight-line PAQUEBOT alongside, arrival backstamp;some toning.
1897 cover to St Petersburg, posted on ship, 2k. and pair 4k. cancelled at Korean port Gensan I.J.P.O. (3 Dec) and framed PAQUEBOT handstamp on reverse. The envelope is endorsed “Via San Francisco” and shows transit of Yokohama (6 Dec) and arrival cds of 27 XII (8.1.98 New Style) indicating a journey of 36 days. Before the construction of Trans-Siberian Railway it was quicker to send mail via Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, especially during winter.
1898 cover from Vladivostok addressed in English to Copenhagen, Denmark, placed in ship’s letter-box and the 10k. Russian stamp cancelled on landing at Niigata Japan, framed PAQUEBOT (Hosking type 3268) alongside, Tokio transit, reverse with San Francisco transit and arrival cds. THE ONLY RECORDED EXAMPLE OF THE NIIGATA PAQUEBOT MARK. Ex Hosking and Dr. Casey.
1901 1d. postal stationery envelope to Falmouth with stamp image cancelled by Plymouth duplex applied on arrival there, to left of this good strike of straight-line PAQUEBOT handstamp, two arrival backstamps.
1906 (19.10.) Smyrne picture postcard to Charlotte, USA franked 20pa. and cancelled PAQUEBOT/ARRIVE handstamp in transit, Smyrne 1 bilingual despatch at right and arrival cds at left of 5 Nov.
1908 4kop stationery card sent from Vladivostok to Osaka via Tsuruga, cancelled by Japanese Tsduruga cds, alongside boxed "PAQUEBOT" handstamp and arrival Osaka cds. Nice and attractive maritime card
1920 cover to Alexandrie, Egypt franked 20 paras tied by framed straight-line PAQUEBOT with another strike to left, applied on arrival, Aleaxandria backstamp. Envelope slightly reduced at right.
1924 folded bilingually printed bankruptcy notice from Alexandria to Constantinople franked 1922 ‘crown’ overprint 2m. vertical pair tied by framed bilingual PAQUEBOT handstamp, reverse with arrival cancels; a stain inside entire and some worm holes, unusual.
1928 cover to Copenhagen franked Chritian X 1eyr (3), 3a., 6a. and 8a. tied Bergen cds of Norway in transit with straight-line Paquebot handstamp; fine condition.
1933 commercial cover from Bombay, India, franked on reverse pair 1a.3p tied 'MOMBASA/PAQUEBOT' cds with arrival cds below.