1932 (30.9.) registered airmail cover from Milano, Italy, carried by Imperial Airways as part of the new route from London to India, arrival backstamps; a fine and rare acceptance.
1933 (12.5.) AIR GRAM of French Air Orient to Copenhagen, Denmark franked 1932 Chakri Dynasty 5s. and two 15s. tied by two large bilingual Bangkok date stamps, arrival cds at top right, black cross over ‘AIR’ indicating end of air section. The reverse of letter sheet is made up of an image of block of 10 airmail labels. Some slight staining at base on front.
1933 30c. postal stationery registration envelope uprated 50c. and 1/- and sent airmail to Germany from Tanga, airmail handstamp at top has been handstamped ‘ANNULATO’ at Brindisi on transit, reverse with Moshi transit, Brindisi transit and Italian t.p.o. and Altona arrival cds.
1934 (5.10.) AIR GRAM of French Air Orient to Hanoi, Tonkin, Indo China franked 1928 10s marginal pair tied single large bilingual Bangkok date stamp, reverse with Saigon transit and arrival cds. The reverse of letter sheet is made up of an image of block of 10 airmail labels.
1934 registered airmail cover to Switzerland bearing single franking Leeward Islands 1912-22 Wmk Mult Crown CA 5s green and red/yellow (SG 57), a bottom plate marginal tied Nevis cds, annotated “By Air Mail St Johns – New York”, backstamped San Juan P.R. and New York transits plus Bulle arrival.
1935 (16.1.) AIR GRAM of French Air Orient to London franked 1928 King Prajadhipok 10s. and 25s. tied large Bangkok bilingual date stamp, endorsed in red “K.L.M.”. The reverse of letter sheet is made up of an image of block of 10 airmail labels, showing pen crosses through label images and two K.L.M. added.
1936 'Provisional Airmail' issues set of three on individual covers bearing printed "ISSUED UPON THE OCCASION OF THE FIRST LIBERIAN AIR MAIL SERVICE/DUSIDE TO CAPE PALMAS, 28TH FEBRUARY 1936.", each with 'MONROVIA' despatch and 'HARPER' arrival. Fine and rare.
1936 (28 FE) airmail cover endorsed “By Courtesy Air Flight R.A.F./ Singapore – Japan” from Victoria with two 10c. to Kobe, Japan to meet up with flight, Kobe Nippon cds at centre and red straight-line handstamp of the same Mar 6 1936 date, without any backstamps.
1938 air mail cover to PAYENNE, Switzerland franked postage 1L. and 1L.25 together with Express 2L.50 tied 'POSTA AEREA/RODI (EGEO)' cds; without backstamp and some staining at base.
1939 registered cover to Australia, re-directed internally upon arrival, bearing single franking 2 /- tied Kavieng cds with violet registration handstamp, a plephary of backstamps.
1941 (11 NO) Palestine registered censored airmail cover Tel Aviv to New York, routed via the Pacific with violet transit cds Honolulu Hawaii Registered of Dec 4th, the last Pacific flight, a few days before Pearl Harbour. The backflap largely missing
1945 long registered cover to New York franked three 2d., two 2 1/2d., 3d., 2/6d. Parrot and 5s., arrival backstamp;generally good fresh condition.
1946 (15.1.) registered airmail cover to New York franked on front three 5c. Roosevelt and, on reverse further example plus pair of scarce airmail 30c. on 4c. tied Monravia cds and those on reverse by New York cancels; scarce commercial airmail.
1949 airmail cover to Switzerland franked four 1947 50w. Douglas DC-4 Airliner plus 10w Admiral Li Sun Sin tied violet Seoul date stamps; vertical fold at left clear of stamps.
1950 large registered cover to Hamburg with combination postage stamps and ‘A’ overprinted Avianca airmails including the 1p., 3p. and pair of 5p. Rare commercial usage of a 5p pair.
Early 1940s airmail cover to USA franked at 2r.15a.6p. rate with adhesives tied by Bahrain Air Persian Gulf cds, censored en route and showing on front routing handstamp ‘Via B.O.A.C. to Aucklnd/ Pan American Airways/ to Sanfrancisco’, without arrival cancels.
GREAT BRITAIN: 1937 (11 SP) airmail cover to Yokohama, Japan franked KGV 4d. and to KEVIII 1d. tied Taunton Somerset cds and showing very fine example of the framed instructional handstamp TRANSMISSION BY AIR/ MAIL BEYOND LENINGRAD/ AND MOSCOW NOT REQUIRED, reverse with Berlin Zentralflughafen transit. Rare so fine.
UP Exhibition Allahabad First Aerial Post cachet in violet tying India KE7 6a to 1911 (18 FE) envelope with Allahabad dispatch, Dehra Dun arrival and registration label on reverse. Fine.CS