Showing all items of subject Consular Mail, sorted alphabetically. Clear all filters
Spain (Balearics) 1819 (31 Oct) entire with printed ‘REGIO/ Consolato Generale/ Di S.M.Sarda/ in Mahone’ to Torino, Italy with straight-line MENORCA handstamp and, at top an interweaved SG (Sanita Genoa – in use 1819-20). Fine and scarce.Spain (Balearics) 1819 (31 Oct) entire with printed ‘REGIO/ Consolato Generale/ Di S.M.Sarda/ in Mahone’ to Torino, Italy with straight-line MENORCA handstamp and, at top an interweaved SG (Sanita Genoa – in use 1819-20). Fine and scarce.


Covers and stamps / Italy incoming mail / Spain / Consular Mail / Disinfected mail

(Balearics) 1819 (31 Oct) entire with printed ‘REGIO/ Consolato Generale/ Di S.M.Sarda/ in Mahone’ to Torino, Italy with straight-line MENORCA handstamp and, at top an interweaved SG (Sanita Genoa – in use 1819-20). Fine and scarce.


Spain (British Post Office) 1842 entire to Porto and 1847 to London displaying both types of B.C./ CADIZ cancels of British Consular Service.Spain (British Post Office) 1842 entire to Porto and 1847 to London displaying both types of B.C./ CADIZ cancels of British Consular Service.


Covers and stamps / Great Britain Used Abroad / Spain / Consular Mail

(British Post Office) 1842 entire to Porto and 1847 to London displaying both types of B.C./ CADIZ cancels of British Consular Service.


Russia (Disinfected Mail) 1852 entire addressed locally to the Sardinian Consul at Odessa where disinfected by slitting and rastel punching at quarantine station, oval dated handstamp on reverse ‘Cleaned in the Odessa/..../....’ , a good strike for this.Russia (Disinfected Mail) 1852 entire addressed locally to the Sardinian Consul at Odessa where disinfected by slitting and rastel punching at quarantine station, oval dated handstamp on reverse ‘Cleaned in the Odessa/..../....’ , a good strike for this.


Covers and stamps / Russia / Consular Mail / Disinfected mail / Odessa

(Disinfected Mail) 1852 entire addressed locally to the Sardinian Consul at Odessa where disinfected by slitting and rastel punching at quarantine station, oval dated handstamp on reverse ‘Cleaned in the Odessa/..../....’ , a good strike for this.


China (Kewkiang Local Post) 1895 ‘On Her Britannic Majesty’s Servive’ cover to H.M’s Consulate General at Shanghai franked at quadruple 4c rate with ½c. black/pink pair and two ½c. red/yellow in two singles and a pair of 1c. black, tied vilet double framed oval Kewkiang Local Post 7 Apr 95, reverse with faint Shanghai Local Post cds. Horizontal creasing at top affecting two stamps. The only known cover bearing the double framed oval dater of Kewkiang, used between March and April of 1895.China (Kewkiang Local Post) 1895 ‘On Her Britannic Majesty’s Servive’ cover to H.M’s Consulate General at Shanghai franked at quadruple 4c rate with ½c. black/pink pair and two ½c. red/yellow in two singles and a pair of 1c. black, tied vilet double framed oval Kewkiang Local Post 7 Apr 95, reverse with faint Shanghai Local Post cds. Horizontal creasing at top affecting two stamps. The only known cover bearing the double framed oval dater of Kewkiang, used between March and April of 1895.


Covers and stamps / China / Local Posts / Consular Mail

(Kewkiang Local Post) 1895 ‘On Her Britannic Majesty’s Servive’ cover to H.M’s Consulate General at Shanghai franked at quadruple 4c rate with ½c. black/pink pair and two ½c. red/yellow in two singles and a pair of 1c. black, tied vilet double framed oval Kewkiang Local Post 7 Apr 95, reverse with faint Shanghai Local Post cds. Horizontal creasing at top affecting two stamps. The only known cover bearing the double framed oval dater of Kewkiang, used between March and April of 1895.


Transvaal (Picture Postal Stationery) 1898 (31.12.) ½ Penny green card  with blue unidentified image (but believed to be the premises of the German Consulate in Pretoria) used within Pretoria with New Year message.Transvaal (Picture Postal Stationery) 1898 (31.12.) ½ Penny green card  with blue unidentified image (but believed to be the premises of the German Consulate in Pretoria) used within Pretoria with New Year message.


Covers and stamps / Transvaal / Picture Stationery / Consular Mail

(Picture Postal Stationery) 1898 (31.12.) ½ Penny green card with blue unidentified image (but believed to be the premises of the German Consulate in Pretoria) used within Pretoria with New Year message.


Spain (Spanish Civil War) 1937 (14.1.) ‘Legacion Del Japon/ Madrid’ envelope to Consulate of Japan, Cape Town, carried outside of the mails to St Jean de Luz because of disruptions caused by the War, there franked with French adhesives tied St Jean de Lux Basses Pyrennie. Reverse with fine wax seal Legation Du Japon Madrid. Without arrival, some toning.Spain (Spanish Civil War) 1937 (14.1.) ‘Legacion Del Japon/ Madrid’ envelope to Consulate of Japan, Cape Town, carried outside of the mails to St Jean de Luz because of disruptions caused by the War, there franked with French adhesives tied St Jean de Lux Basses Pyrennie. Reverse with fine wax seal Legation Du Japon Madrid. Without arrival, some toning.


Covers and stamps / Japan / Spain / France / Consular Mail / Disrupted Mail

(Spanish Civil War) 1937 (14.1.) ‘Legacion Del Japon/ Madrid’ envelope to Consulate of Japan, Cape Town, carried outside of the mails to St Jean de Luz because of disruptions caused by the War, there franked with French adhesives tied St Jean de Lux Basses Pyrennie. Reverse with fine wax seal Legation Du Japon Madrid. Without arrival, some toning.


Hong Kong (Treaty Ports) 1886 incoming envelope from United States to its consulate at Foochow, franked 5c grey-brown  that appears not to have been cancelled though there is some discolouration at top right, faint blue Hampton cds alongside, fine black ‘25/T’ charge handstamp applied at Foochow, reverse with San Francisco transit, Hong Kong transit (MR 4) and Foochowfoo arrival (MR 11); fine and scarce.Hong Kong (Treaty Ports) 1886 incoming envelope from United States to its consulate at Foochow, franked 5c grey-brown  that appears not to have been cancelled though there is some discolouration at top right, faint blue Hampton cds alongside, fine black ‘25/T’ charge handstamp applied at Foochow, reverse with San Francisco transit, Hong Kong transit (MR 4) and Foochowfoo arrival (MR 11); fine and scarce.

Hong Kong

Covers and stamps / China / Hong Kong / USA / Consular Mail / Postage dues

(Treaty Ports) 1886 incoming envelope from United States to its consulate at Foochow, franked 5c grey-brown that appears not to have been cancelled though there is some discolouration at top right, faint blue Hampton cds alongside, fine black ‘25/T’ charge handstamp applied at Foochow, reverse with San Francisco transit, Hong Kong transit (MR 4) and Foochowfoo arrival (MR 11); fine and scarce.


Russia (Used in Persia) 1916 (14 Nov) registered cover from the Russian Consular Post in Tabriz to Switzerland, franked on reverse with 10k. in irregular block of five dark blue tied by double circle despatch cds, Petrograd censorship, arrival backstamp of 2.1.17; fine clean condition.Russia (Used in Persia) 1916 (14 Nov) registered cover from the Russian Consular Post in Tabriz to Switzerland, franked on reverse with 10k. in irregular block of five dark blue tied by double circle despatch cds, Petrograd censorship, arrival backstamp of 2.1.17; fine clean condition.


Covers and stamps / Persia / Russia / Censored mail / Consular Mail / Registered mail

(Used in Persia) 1916 (14 Nov) registered cover from the Russian Consular Post in Tabriz to Switzerland, franked on reverse with 10k. in irregular block of five dark blue tied by double circle despatch cds, Petrograd censorship, arrival backstamp of 2.1.17; fine clean condition.


Monaco 1794 entire to Genoese Consul at Marseille, written from Genova bearing two-line 85/ MONACO handstamp at top; fine and clean condition


Covers and stamps / Italy / Monaco / Consular Mail

1794 entire to Genoese Consul at Marseille, written from Genova bearing two-line 85/ MONACO handstamp at top; fine and clean condition


Great Britain 1826 entire from London to Boston with, on revere five-line forwarders details Received and Forwarded By/ Your obedient servant/ ROBERT R. HUNTER/ Consul U.S.A./ cowes on Isle of Wight, front bears cursive framed SHIP/6; fine and scarce

Great Britain

Covers and stamps / Great Britain / Consular Mail / Formula stationery / Transatlantic Mail

1826 entire from London to Boston with, on revere five-line forwarders details 'Received and Forwarded By/ Your obedient servant/ ROBERT R. HUNTER/ Consul U.S.A./ cowes' on Isle of Wight, front bears cursive framed SHIP/6; fine and scarce


United States 1861 (Oct 9) cover addressed “Care of Consul of U.S America, Havre” franked with 5c brown-yellow and 10c. unclear cork cancels and Williamsburgh cds, paying the ¼ oz rate, 3c credit to France handstamp as carried on American liner “Fulton”. This was her last voyage before being withdrawn because of the Civil War.United States 1861 (Oct 9) cover addressed “Care of Consul of U.S America, Havre” franked with 5c brown-yellow and 10c. unclear cork cancels and Williamsburgh cds, paying the ¼ oz rate, 3c credit to France handstamp as carried on American liner “Fulton”. This was her last voyage before being withdrawn because of the Civil War.

United States

Covers and stamps / USA / Consular Mail

1861 (Oct 9) cover addressed “Care of Consul of U.S America, Havre” franked with 5c brown-yellow and 10c. unclear cork cancels and Williamsburgh cds, paying the ¼ oz rate, 3c credit to France handstamp as carried on American liner “Fulton”. This was her last voyage before being withdrawn because of the Civil War.


Salvador 1884 (27 Dice) envelope to Consul at Naples, bearing a fine printed ‘Ministerio De Relaciones Exteriores’ backflap, franked 1879-89 1c. and 10c. Volcano cancelled by solitary negative cork ‘star’, red despatch cds to left, Italian transit and arrival backstamps; light central filing crease and envelope slightly reduced at top affecting printed sealSalvador 1884 (27 Dice) envelope to Consul at Naples, bearing a fine printed ‘Ministerio De Relaciones Exteriores’ backflap, franked 1879-89 1c. and 10c. Volcano cancelled by solitary negative cork ‘star’, red despatch cds to left, Italian transit and arrival backstamps; light central filing crease and envelope slightly reduced at top affecting printed seal


Covers and stamps / Salvador / Consular Mail / Volcano

1884 (27 Dice) envelope to Consul at Naples, bearing a fine printed ‘Ministerio De Relaciones Exteriores’ backflap, franked 1879-89 1c. and 10c. Volcano cancelled by solitary negative cork ‘star’, red despatch cds to left, Italian transit and arrival backstamps; light central filing crease and envelope slightly reduced at top affecting printed seal


Dominican Republic 1890 (17 Oct) envelope from the Swedish Consulate at Santo Domingo to the Foreign Minister, Stockholm, Sweden, endorsed “pr vapor Ingles/ via Jamaica” and franked 1885-91 10c. Arms (2) tied single blue despatch cds, JAMAICA/TRANSIT handstamo below, reverse with Kingstn (OC19) and London (NO 6) transits, also showing  the handstamp of Consulate in blue.Dominican Republic 1890 (17 Oct) envelope from the Swedish Consulate at Santo Domingo to the Foreign Minister, Stockholm, Sweden, endorsed “pr vapor Ingles/ via Jamaica” and franked 1885-91 10c. Arms (2) tied single blue despatch cds, JAMAICA/TRANSIT handstamo below, reverse with Kingstn (OC19) and London (NO 6) transits, also showing  the handstamp of Consulate in blue.

Dominican Republic

Covers and stamps / Dominican Republic / Jamaica / Sweden Incoming Mail / Consular Mail

1890 (17 Oct) envelope from the Swedish Consulate at Santo Domingo to the Foreign Minister, Stockholm, Sweden, endorsed “pr vapor Ingles/ via Jamaica” and franked 1885-91 10c. Arms (2) tied single blue despatch cds, JAMAICA/TRANSIT handstamo below, reverse with Kingstn (OC19) and London (NO 6) transits, also showing the handstamp of Consulate in blue.


Dominican Republic 1894 (5 Mar) registered AR cover to Boizenburg, Germany franked 1885-91 5c. and 20c. (one 5c. added without cancel) tied by barred ’M’ with CORREOS MONTE CRISTY date stamp in association showing inverted ‘5’ in date, blue ‘Avis De Reception’ label at left, New York registration etiquette over stamps, reverse with New York transits and arrival plus large red-violet ‘J. Stafelfel Monte Cristy Kaiserl. Deutscher Consular Agent.’; small tear at side and small paper adhesion on back. Ex KrugDominican Republic 1894 (5 Mar) registered AR cover to Boizenburg, Germany franked 1885-91 5c. and 20c. (one 5c. added without cancel) tied by barred ’M’ with CORREOS MONTE CRISTY date stamp in association showing inverted ‘5’ in date, blue ‘Avis De Reception’ label at left, New York registration etiquette over stamps, reverse with New York transits and arrival plus large red-violet ‘J. Stafelfel Monte Cristy Kaiserl. Deutscher Consular Agent.’; small tear at side and small paper adhesion on back. Ex Krug

Dominican Republic

Covers and stamps / Dominican Republic / Advice of Receipt / Consular Mail / Registered mail

1894 (5 Mar) registered AR cover to Boizenburg, Germany franked 1885-91 5c. and 20c. (one 5c. added without cancel) tied by barred ’M’ with CORREOS MONTE CRISTY date stamp in association showing inverted ‘5’ in date, blue ‘Avis De Reception’ label at left, New York registration etiquette over stamps, reverse with New York transits and arrival plus large red-violet ‘J. Stafelfel Monte Cristy Kaiserl. Deutscher Consular Agent.’; small tear at side and small paper adhesion on back. Ex Krug


Guatemala 1897 Central American Exhibition 2c. postal stationery envelope used to Belgium, uprated 2c. and 6c. of same design tied by violet cork handstamps and unclear octagonal despatch, reverse with Dison transit and arrival cds plus violet cachet Legation De Belgique Centre-Amerique.Guatemala 1897 Central American Exhibition 2c. postal stationery envelope used to Belgium, uprated 2c. and 6c. of same design tied by violet cork handstamps and unclear octagonal despatch, reverse with Dison transit and arrival cds plus violet cachet Legation De Belgique Centre-Amerique.


Covers and stamps / Guatemala / Consular Mail / Exhibitions / Railways / Ships

1897 Central American Exhibition 2c. postal stationery envelope used to Belgium, uprated 2c. and 6c. of same design tied by violet cork handstamps and unclear octagonal despatch, reverse with Dison transit and arrival cds plus violet cachet 'Legation De Belgique Centre-Amerique'.


Paraguay 1899 (16 Dic) ‘Ministerio de Guerra y Marina’ printed envelope to the Paraguayan Consul at Buenos Aires, sent registered AR and franked 1891-93 small black OFICIAL overprinted 15c. (vertical pair) and 50c. tied Asuncion cds, registration label to right with ‘AR’ handstamp over ‘R’, arrival backstamp.


Covers and stamps / Paraguay / Advice of Receipt / Consular Mail / Official Mail

1899 (16 Dic) ‘Ministerio de Guerra y Marina’ printed envelope to the Paraguayan Consul at Buenos Aires, sent registered AR and franked 1891-93 small black OFICIAL overprinted 15c. (vertical pair) and 50c. tied Asuncion cds, registration label to right with ‘AR’ handstamp over ‘R’, arrival backstamp.


Guatemala 1899 registered cover to Montreux, Switzerland franked 10c. and 25c. cancelled by pen and violet grill respectively, handstamped routing at top, reverse, alongside arrival cds is red-orange scallop label of German Consulate; good double rate registered cover.Guatemala 1899 registered cover to Montreux, Switzerland franked 10c. and 25c. cancelled by pen and violet grill respectively, handstamped routing at top, reverse, alongside arrival cds is red-orange scallop label of German Consulate; good double rate registered cover.


Covers and stamps / Guatemala / Consular Mail

1899 registered cover to Montreux, Switzerland franked 10c. and 25c. cancelled by pen and violet grill respectively, handstamped routing at top, reverse, alongside arrival cds is red-orange scallop label of German Consulate; good double rate registered cover.


Egypt 1900 registered cover to “Postes Francaise/ Zanzibar” franked by four 5m. tied Caire cds, registration handstamp at base, fine consular handstamp Consulat De La Republique deHaiti, Caire, reverse with Suez transit and arrival cds. Faults and staining at base and no backfap.Egypt 1900 registered cover to “Postes Francaise/ Zanzibar” franked by four 5m. tied Caire cds, registration handstamp at base, fine consular handstamp Consulat De La Republique deHaiti, Caire, reverse with Suez transit and arrival cds. Faults and staining at base and no backfap.


Covers and stamps / Egypt / Consular Mail

1900 registered cover to “Postes Francaise/ Zanzibar” franked by four 5m. tied Caire cds, registration handstamp at base, fine consular handstamp Consulat De La Republique deHaiti, Caire, reverse with Suez transit and arrival cds. Faults and staining at base and no backfap.


Nicaragua 1905 (20 Mar) ‘Consular Service, U.S.A.’ printed envelope addressed to “Quarantine Office” Ancon, Panama franked 1903 Pres. Zelaya 10c. black and orange pair and single tied by two violet Managua oval date stamps, reverse with Corinto transit and arrival cds.Nicaragua 1905 (20 Mar) ‘Consular Service, U.S.A.’ printed envelope addressed to “Quarantine Office” Ancon, Panama franked 1903 Pres. Zelaya 10c. black and orange pair and single tied by two violet Managua oval date stamps, reverse with Corinto transit and arrival cds.


Covers and stamps / Nicaragua / Consular Mail

1905 (20 Mar) ‘Consular Service, U.S.A.’ printed envelope addressed to “Quarantine Office” Ancon, Panama franked 1903 Pres. Zelaya 10c. black and orange pair and single tied by two violet Managua oval date stamps, reverse with Corinto transit and arrival cds.


Madagascar 1905 large printed envelope from Italian Consulte to Foreign Affairs Ministry at Rome with Consular cachet at lower left, franked 1896-99 50c. and 1903 ‘Zebu’ 1f. horizontal strip of three tied blue Tamatave cds with framed ‘R’ handstamp in same ink; peripheral faults to envelope with creasing affecting stamps, franked at 13th weight level (13 x 15c. postage plus 25c. registration = 3f50)


Covers and stamps / Madagascar / Consular Mail

1905 large printed envelope from Italian Consulte to Foreign Affairs Ministry at Rome with Consular cachet at lower left, franked 1896-99 50c. and 1903 ‘Zebu’ 1f. horizontal strip of three tied blue Tamatave cds with framed ‘R’ handstamp in same ink; peripheral faults to envelope with creasing affecting stamps, franked at 13th weight level (13 x 15c. postage plus 25c. registration = 3f50)
